
Re: JNDI default name

From: Kenneth Saks <Kenneth.Saks_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 13 Feb 2006 12:01:13 -0500

Hannes Stauss wrote:

>>Just want to point out that
>>the reason
>>this works when you add the @Stateless annotation is because we default
>>the ejb's remote JNDI name to the fully qualified classname of the remote
>>business interface. However, this is a product feature, not a spec
>>requirement. It turns out that many Java EE implementations use the
>>same defaulting rule, so many people assume it's part of the standard.
>It would have been great if that were part of the standard since this would
>make Java EE really portable.....
Java EE does have a portable client component called the Application Client.
It's a first-class component that has its own private naming context
and supports annotations. It requires a tad more up-front work than a
stand-alone Java client but the payoff is full portability and the
ability to take
advantage of all the new Java EE ease-of-use features such as @EJB.

We wrote both stand-alone clients and Application clients for the simple
Stateless and Stateful EJB30 examples on the ejb glassfish page. Take
a look at them for a comparison of the two approaches :



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