Re: Dev Guide JDBC Questions

From: <June.Parks_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 03 Dec 2009 14:34:47 -0800

Thanks, Anissa! In that case, I'll use all lower case, because it's
more consistent with other property names.


On 12/ 3/09 02:25 PM, Anissa Lam wrote:
> June.Parks_at_Sun.COM wrote:
>> Hi Shalini,
>> Great review. I have a couple of questions, see below.
>> On 11/27/09 03:02 AM, Shalini Muthukrishnan wrote:
>>> - Page 240, Making JDBC Driver Jars available : Please add
>>> glassfish_home/lib directory to the list.
>> How would this differ from adding the driver JARs to
>> <domain-dir>/lib? Why would a user want to put them in
>> <install-dir>/lib instead?
>>> - Page 247, section Handling Invalid Connections : the examples for
>>> asadmin set on the property should be changed to :
>>> asadmin set
>> Jagadish says the property name is all caps,
>> PREFER-VALIDATE-OVER-RECREATE. Please confirm the spelling.
>> Unfortunately, because this is a property and not an attribute, I
>> can't extract it from the configuration myself.
> I just looked at the code. The pool property name is converted to
> all upper case first before looking at. So, capitalization doesn't
> matter.
> Anissa.
>> June
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