Review request: CLI online help for v3 Preview

From: Paul Davies <Paul-Martin.Davies_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2009 18:42:37 -0700


The CLI online help for v3 Preview is available in PDF format from the
Reference Manual
<> document
comment page. The content of this manual reflects the CLI online help
that was delivered into Milestone 2.

*This version applies to the GlassFish v3 Preview* release for the
JavaOneSM 2009 conference.

The required engineering reviewers for each man page are listed in the
Owner column in the table of commands for the GlassFish v3 release

*Note - * The following man pages are placeholder man pages that were
created from man pages for similar commands. These man pages will be
updated with the correct content shortly:

    * create-connector-work-security-map(1)
    * delete-connector-work-security-map(1)
    * list-connector-work-security-maps(1)
    * restart-domain(1)



To ensure that your comments can be processed in time, please provide
them by end of day *Monday April 27, 2009*. Comments that are provided
after that time might not be incorporated in the v3 Preview release.
Such comments will be considered for inclusion in the v3 release.

Please add your comments to the table on the Reference Manual
<> document
comment page.

Thank you.

Paul Davies, Senior Technical Writer, Sun Microsystems, Inc.