My man page plan updates address my features, but for convenience, here
they are in a short list:
ACC: Planned for EA
Grizzly/GrizzlyCfg: Planned for EA
AMX/GMBAL: Not for EA, planned for v3 Final
Configuration/Infrastructure: Not documented directly for EA, planned
for v3 Final if direct info available
This is according to the best of my knowledge. More below.
On 03/27/09 16:07, Paul Davies wrote:
> Hi,
> In yesterday's meeting, we agreed to the following AI:
> *AI - All:* Send Paul the list of features you have questions
> about for EA (in or out?) and also v3 Final (in or out?) and he'll
> follow up with engineering.
> In preparation for my follow up with engineering, I have created a
> table of v2 features not in v3 Prelude for which no v3 functional
> specification exists
> <>.
JMS does not belong in this list. OpenMQ includes JMS. I'll update the
I would love to know whether LifeCycle modules are being continued,
however. This feature hasn't been updated at all in quite a few
releases. I'm not sure anyone in Engineering even owns it for v3.
> I have added to this table features that I am aware of whose status is
> still unknow (at least to the doc team). Instead of sending your list
> of features to me, feel free to update the table directly if you prefer.
> I would like to follow up with engineering at the end of next week, so
> please try to send me your list of features (or update the table) by
> our next meeting (on Thursday April 2).
> Please let me know if you have any questions.
> Regards,
> --
> Paul Davies, Senior Technical Writer, Sun Microsystems, Inc.