Re: HOWTO covering the installation of a CA signed certificate?

From: Gail Risdal <Gail.Risdal_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2008 13:53:27 -0800

Hi Bob,

A How-To article on this topic would be great - thanks for offering!
Sorry you had to struggle with this, but at least others can learn from
your experiences.

The GlassFish wiki would be a good place for this How-To. The following
pages provide more information about making that contribution:

I should mention that there's also a bit of information about this topic
in the Java EE tutorial:

Thanks again. Let us know if you have any questions or if we can help in
any way.

GlassFish Documentation Team

Bob Dushok wrote:

> I just used the last few hours configuring Glassfish to use a
> certificate signed by a CA, GoDaddy in my case.
> The Glassfish Enterprise Server v3 Prelude Administration Guide was
> helpful, but is more useful for self signed certificates. For example,
> it didn't discuss how to create a certificate signing request.
> Is there any need for a howto document on this topic? I would be
> willing to write one based upon my experiences if there is any interest.
> Bob