Hi Byron,
Thank you for your feedback, which I have processed.
My responses to your individual comments are inline.
> List-application (your) remarks
> 1)Yes the container is mentioned. Currently the list of containers is:
> phobos, jpa, security, web, jruby, connectors
Declined (sort of): I suspect that this list of containers applies to
list-containers, not list-applications, and that for list-applications,
I should include the list that Jane provided.
> 2) Yes it is remote only
> 3) Yes - I believe so -- the usual CLI options plus --type
> 4) the type is one of the container names from above. It's a bit klunky
> though:
> C:\temp>cli list-applications --type security
> FAILURE : Invalid type value, security.
> Command list-applications failed.
> C:\temp>cli list-applications --type connectors
> FAILURE : Invalid type value, connectors.
> Command list-applications failed.
> security and connectors are internal containers
I have added the list of application types that I got from Jane. (I'm
not sure if that counts as acceptance or rejection).
> My Remarks --
> I don't see any --target option being accepted by the command
> ________________________________________________________________________________
> List-Containers
> remark 1: It is just a simple list of containers right now. No status
> or doc about functionality is available just yet. I would imagine that
> that will come later as part of the requirements of a container -- i.e.
> it needs to describe/explain itself.
> remark 2,3: yes remote only and all the usual CLI options are accepted.
> ___________________________________________________________
> List-modules
> My remark: this command is definitely not ready for prime time. I would
> class it as a debug command -- at least for TP2
Declined. I'll continue to include it until I get a definitive statement
that the command is a debug command.
> The usual answer:: it is remote-only and it tkes the regular CLI options.
> I have no idea what READY/NEW mean. I suspect that they are just
> Strings pulled from the build files (pom.xml) that nobody is paying any
> attention to.
Accepted: I have left things as they are.
Paul Davies, Senior Technical Writer, Sun Microsystems, Inc.