[java] compile-platform: [java] [javac] Compiling 76 source files to C:\Sun\gfv211fcs\glassfish\appserv-core-ee\appserv-core\build [java] [javac] C:\Sun\gfv211fcs\glassfish\appserv-core-ee\appserv-core\src\java\com\sun\enterprise\ee\security\EESecuritySupportImpl.java:79: package sun. ecurity.pkcs11 does not exist [java] [javac] import sun.security.pkcs11.SunPKCS11; [java] [javac] ^ [java] [javac] C:\Sun\gfv211fcs\glassfish\appserv-core-ee\appserv-core\src\java\com\sun\enterprise\ee\diagnostics\EERemoteTargetResolver.java:113: warning non-varargs call of varargs method with inexact argument type for last parameter; [java] [javac] cast to java.lang.Class for a varargs call [java] [javac] cast to java.lang.Class[] for a non-varargs call and to suppress this warning [java] [javac] Method method = classObj.getMethod(GET_AGENT_ROOT_METHOD, null); [java] [javac] ^ [java] [javac] C:\Sun\gfv211fcs\glassfish\appserv-core-ee\appserv-core\src\java\com\sun\enterprise\ee\diagnostics\EERemoteTargetResolver.java:114: warning non-varargs call of varargs method with inexact argument type for last parameter; [java] [javac] cast to java.lang.Object for a varargs call [java] [javac] cast to java.lang.Object[] for a non-varargs call and to suppress this warning [java] [javac] repositoryDir = (String)method.invoke(obj, null); [java] [javac] ^ [java] [javac] C:\Sun\gfv211fcs\glassfish\appserv-core-ee\appserv-core\src\java\com\sun\enterprise\ee\diagnostics\EERemoteTargetResolver.java:116: warning non-varargs call of varargs method with inexact argument type for last parameter; [java] [javac] cast to java.lang.Class for a varargs call [java] [javac] cast to java.lang.Class[] for a non-varargs call and to suppress this warning [java] [javac] method = classObj.getMethod(GET_AGENT_NAME, null); [java] [javac] ^ [java] [javac] C:\Sun\gfv211fcs\glassfish\appserv-core-ee\appserv-core\src\java\com\sun\enterprise\ee\diagnostics\EERemoteTargetResolver.java:117: warning non-varargs call of varargs method with inexact argument type for last parameter; [java] [javac] cast to java.lang.Object for a varargs call [java] [javac] cast to java.lang.Object[] for a non-varargs call and to suppress this warning [java] [javac] repositoryName = (String)method.invoke(obj, null); [java] [javac] ^ [java] [javac] C:\Sun\gfv211fcs\glassfish\appserv-core-ee\appserv-core\src\java\com\sun\enterprise\ee\security\EESecuritySupportImpl.java:202: cannot find symbol [java] [javac] symbol : class SunPKCS11 [java] [javac] location: class com.sun.enterprise.ee.security.EESecuritySupportImpl [java] [javac] if (providers[i] instanceof SunPKCS11) { [java] [javac] ^ [java] [javac] C:\Sun\gfv211fcs\glassfish\appserv-core-ee\appserv-core\src\java\com\sun\enterprise\ee\security\EESecuritySupportImpl.java:222: cannot find symbol [java] [javac] symbol : class SunPKCS11 [java] [javac] location: class com.sun.enterprise.ee.security.EESecuritySupportImpl [java] [javac] pkcs11Provider = new SunPKCS11(configFile); [java] [javac] ^ [java] [javac] C:\Sun\gfv211fcs\glassfish\appserv-core-ee\appserv-core\src\java\com\sun\enterprise\ee\security\EESecuritySupportImpl.java:246: cannot find symbol [java] [javac] symbol : class SunPKCS11 [java] [javac] location: class com.sun.enterprise.ee.security.EESecuritySupportImpl [java] [javac] pkcs11Provider = new SunPKCS11(tokenName, configStream); [java] [javac] ^ [java] [java] BUILD FAILED [java] [javac] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API. [java] [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details. [java] C:\Sun\gfv211fcs\glassfish\appserv-core-ee\build.xml:55: The following error occurred while executing this line: [java] C:\Sun\gfv211fcs\glassfish\appserv-core-ee\appserv-core\build.xml:82: The following error occurred while executing this line: [java] [javac] Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations. [java] [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details. [java] [javac] 4 errors [java] [javac] 4 warnings [java] C:\Sun\gfv211fcs\glassfish\appserv-core-ee\appserv-core\build.xml:107: The following error occurred while executing this line: [java] C:\Sun\gfv211fcs\glassfish\appserv-core-ee\appserv-core\build.xml:120: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details. [java] [java] Total time: 3 seconds [java] [ERROR] Java Result: 1 BUILD FAILED File...... C:\Sun\gfv211fcs\glassfish\bootstrap\maven.xml Element... fail Line...... 651 Column.... 28 No message Total time: 9 minutes 2 seconds Finished at: Sun Dec 27 10:02:08 PST 2009 C:\Sun\gfv211fcs\glassfish\bootstrap>