import os.path ##### Begin things you want/need to set for yourself ##### propsroot = '/Users/bobby/work/ws/v3/extras/upgrade/upgrade-jar/src/main/resources' srcroot = '/Users/bobby/work/ws/v3/extras/upgrade/upgrade-jar/src/main/java' # file names to check. to add more, separate with commas propfiles = [ '' ] # source file extensions sources = [ '.java' ] # directories to skip skipdirs = [ '.svn' ] ##### End things you want/need to set ##### def addkeys(keymap, propsdir, propsfile): for line in open(os.path.join(propsdir, propsfile)): line = line.strip() if not line or line[0] == '#': continue if '=' in line: key = line.split('=')[0] if key in keymap: print 'WARNING: the following key appears more than once in', propsdir print '\t', key else: keymap[key] = 0 def parsesource(keymap, sourcefile): wholefileasstring = open(sourcefile).read() for key in keymap: if key in wholefileasstring: keymap[key] = keymap[key] + 1 # in Java terms, this is Map> propmapbypackage = {} # Step 1, grab all the properties print 'Parsing resource files relative to', propsroot for (dirname, dirs, files) in os.walk(propsroot): # remove dirs we want to skip first for s in skipdirs: if s in dirs: dirs.remove(s) # now look for properties files to parse for file in files: if file in propfiles: # grrr, can't use os.path.relpath() on some platforms relpath = dirname.replace(propsroot, '') if relpath not in propmapbypackage: propmapbypackage[relpath] = {} print 'Parsing', file, 'in', relpath addkeys(propmapbypackage[relpath], dirname, file) # Step 2, find out how many times each prop is used print '\nFinished property parsing. Checking source files relative to', srcroot nokeypackages = [] for (dirname, dirs, files) in os.walk(srcroot): relpath = dirname.replace(srcroot, '') #print 'Checking', relpath # uncomment if you're curious # remove dirs we want to skip first for s in skipdirs: if s in dirs: dirs.remove(s) # now check the source for file in files: for s in sources: # can't recall how to get file extension if file.endswith(s): if relpath in propmapbypackage: parsesource(propmapbypackage[relpath], os.path.join(dirname, file)) elif relpath not in nokeypackages: nokeypackages.append(relpath) if nokeypackages: print 'The following directories were skipped because no keys were found:' for p in nokeypackages: print '\t', p # Step 3, report report report print '\nResults:' for package in propmapbypackage: print 'Keys not used in', package keymap = propmapbypackage[package] for key in keymap: if keymap[key] == 0: print '\t', key print '\nDone'