/* * Copyright 2001, 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the proprietary information of Sun Microsystems, Inc. * Use is subject to license terms. */ package com.sun.wpe.jdbcrealm; import java.util.*; import java.io.IOException; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Driver; import java.sql.DriverManager; import javax.security.auth.login.LoginException; import com.iplanet.ias.security.auth.login.PasswordLoginModule; import com.sun.enterprise.security.auth.AuthenticationStatus; import com.sun.enterprise.security.auth.realm.Realm; import com.sun.wpe.jdbcrealm.JDBCRealm; /** * JDBCRealm login module. * *

This login module provides a sample implementation of a custom realm. * You may use this sample as a template for creating alternate custom * authentication realm implementations to suit your applications needs. * *

In order to plug in a realm into the server you need to implement * both a login module (as shown by this class) which performs the * authentication and a realm (see JDBCRealm for an example) which is used * to manage other realm operations. * *

The PasswordLoginModule class is a JAAS LoginModule and must be * extended by this class. PasswordLoginModule provides internal * implementations for all the LoginModule methods (such as login(), * commit()). This class should not override these methods. * *

This class is only required to implement the authenticate() method as * shown below. The following rules need to be followed in the implementation * of this method: * *

* *

The PasswordLoginModule, AuthenticationStatus and other classes and * fields referenced in the sample code should be treated as opaque * undocumented interfaces. * *

Sample setting in server.xml for JDBCLoginModule *

*/ public class JDBCLoginModule extends PasswordLoginModule { static final String PARAMS_DBSOURCE = "dbdatasource"; static final String PARAMS_DBDRIVERNAME= "dbdrivername"; static final String PARAMS_DBURL = "dburl"; static final String PARAMS_DBUSERNAME = "dbusername"; static final String PARAMS_DBPASSWD = "dbpasswd"; static final String PARAMS_USERTABLE = "usertable"; static final String PARAMS_USERNAMECOL = "usernamecol"; static final String PARAMS_USERPASSWDCOL= "userpasswdcol"; static final String PARAMS_USERGROUPCOL = "usergroupcol"; static final String PARAMS_GRPTABLE = "grouptable"; static Driver _dbdriver = null; static Connection _dbConnection = null; /** * Perform authentication. */ protected AuthenticationStatus authenticate() throws LoginException { if (!(_currentRealm instanceof JDBCRealm)) { throw new LoginException("JDBCLoginModule requires JDBCRealm."); } String[] grpList = this.authenticate(_username, _password); if (grpList == null) { // JAAS behavior throw new LoginException("Failed JDBC login: " + _username); } return commitAuthentication(_username, _password, _currentRealm, grpList); } /** * Return the user group associated with the specified username and * credentials, if there is one; otherwise return null. * * @param username the user's id * @param passwd the user's clear password */ private String[] authenticate(String username, String passwd) { System.out.println("Trying auth for "+username); // Look up the user's credentials String dbCredential = null; Vector grps = null; JDBCRealm jdbcRealm = (JDBCRealm) _currentRealm; String usertable = jdbcRealm.getRealmProperty(PARAMS_USERTABLE); String grptable = jdbcRealm.getRealmProperty(PARAMS_GRPTABLE); String usernamecol = jdbcRealm.getRealmProperty(PARAMS_USERNAMECOL); String userpasswdcol= jdbcRealm.getRealmProperty(PARAMS_USERPASSWDCOL); String usergroupcol = jdbcRealm.getRealmProperty(PARAMS_USERGROUPCOL); // setup our sql query differently if we are using a separate // table for group/role associations String sql = null; if(grptable != null) { sql = "SELECT " + usertable+"."+userpasswdcol + "," + grptable+"."+usergroupcol + " FROM " + usertable + " LEFT JOIN " + grptable + " on " + usertable+"."+usernamecol+"="+grptable+"."+usernamecol + " WHERE " + usertable+"."+usernamecol + " =?"; } else { sql = "SELECT " + userpasswdcol + "," + usergroupcol + " FROM " + usertable + " WHERE " + usernamecol + " =?"; } System.out.println(sql); PreparedStatement ps = null; try { grps = new Vector(); Connection dbcon = jdbcRealm.getConnection(); ps = dbcon.prepareStatement(sql); ps.setString(1, username); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); while (rs.next()) { dbCredential = rs.getString(1).trim(); grps.add(rs.getString(2).trim()); } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { ps.close(); } catch (SQLException ignore) { ignore.printStackTrace(); } } // convert groups to string array String[] dbGroups = null; if (grps.size()>0) { dbGroups = new String[grps.size()]; grps.toArray(dbGroups); //jdbcRealm.setGroupNames(username,g); } System.out.println("grps vector is " + grps.size()); for(int i=0; i < dbGroups.length; i++) System.out.println(dbGroups[i]); return dbGroups; } }