Re: recent gfv4trunk builds has missing artifacts

From: Romain Grecourt <>
Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 20:07:46 +0200

On 6/12/13 5:59 PM, emiddio-frontier wrote:
> Changed settings.xml to only define default repository location,
> did svn update,
> build log attached - still have issues - very similiar.
Thanks for the feedback !
It was actually a bug (pluginRepo definition of was
missing), it should be fixed now.

> Thanks
> -Gary
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Romain Grecourt" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2013 7:53 AM
> Subject: Re: recent gfv4trunk builds has missing artifacts
> On 6/12/13 4:50 PM, emiddio-frontier wrote:
>> my Maven skills are limited -
>> I tried to modify my settings.xml based on my understanding of your
>> suggestions - with same failures.
> Could you share the resulting mirrors section ?
>> Would you provide more detailed information - or perhaps a minimal
>> settings.xml that will work for gfv4?
>> The mirroring configuration I have was added only in hopes of getting gfv4
>> to work.
> There is no settings.xml configuration required (except the usual proxy
> settings if behind a proxy).
> You may want to define your MAVEN_OPTS environment variable as:
> -Xmx1024M -XX:MaxPermSize=512m
> Thanks,
> Romain
>> Thanks
>> -Gary
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Romain Grecourt" <>
>> To: <>
>> Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2013 9:21 AM
>> Subject: Re: recent gfv4trunk builds has missing artifacts
>> On 6/11/13 5:40 PM, emiddio-frontier wrote:
>>> <mirrors>
>>> <mirror>
>>> <id>maven-central</id>
>>> <url></url>
>>> <mirrorOf>*,!eclipselink.repository</mirrorOf>
>>> </mirror>
>>> </mirrors>
>> GlassFish does currently reference some artifacts that are not located
>> in maven central but in
>> This mirroring configuration was advised to workaround the old
>> repository.
>> If you want to keep this mirroring configuration, you'll have to add
>> !jvnet-nexus-promoted
>> Thanks,
>> Romain