Here is a server.log dump from a freshly installed b89 (with one
application deployed) and some comments:
1). I think it would be better to move "Registered Module" log
statements to FINE level instead of INFO. Its relevant information but I
think its too much to be displayed during server startup. I expect 90%
(may be 98%) cases to skip this log to see any other application
specific errors.
2). There are some log statements starting with:
#!## LogManagerService.postConstruct
Why are they starting with "#!##" ? What's the relevance of this sign ?
We can use a better log message instead of
LogManagerService.postConstruct. It feels like a log statement left out
by mistake.
3). Seems like some debug statements are left out:
INFO: visiting unvisited references
INFO: this.makeModuleFor(org.glassfish.main.web.glue, null) returned
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [org.glassfish.main.web.glue [263]], State =
INFO: this.makeModuleFor(org.glassfish.web.javax.servlet.jsp, null)
returned OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [org.glassfish.web.javax.servlet.jsp
[149]], State = [READY]
4). Why the following WARNING message is coming?
WARNING: Class 'javax.ejb.PostActivate' not found, interception based
on it is not enabled
WARNING: Class 'javax.ejb.PrePassivate' not found, interception based
on it is not enabled
And the log dump now:
Launching GlassFish on Felix platform
May 17, 2013 9:21:28 AM
INFO: Create bundle provisioner class = class
May 17, 2013 9:21:28 AM
WARNING: Skipping entry because it is not an absolute URI.
May 17, 2013 9:21:28 AM
WARNING: Skipping entry because it is not an absolute URI.
in service registry.
Registry Info:: Total repositories: 1, Total modules = 293
Attached repository: []
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[ [239]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.common.glassfish-mbeanserver [100]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.transaction.jta [191]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[ [145]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.jersey.containers.jersey-container-servlet-core [166]],
State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.persistence.entitybean-container [76]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.resources.runtime [233]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.admingui.console-jca-plugin [54]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.registration.registration-api [230]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.connectors.admin [42]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [org.glassfish.javax.json
[140]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.metro.webservices-osgi [271]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.hk2.external.asm-all-repackaged [18]], State = [READY]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.orb.enabler [206]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [org.glassfish.hk2.config
[114]], State = [READY]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.fighterfish.osgi-javaee-base [289]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.web.javax.servlet.jsp.jstl [151]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.admin.backup [19]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.persistence.common [222]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[ [85]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.transaction.jts [192]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [stax2-api [248]], State =
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.hk2.external.bean-validator [21]], State = [READY]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.admingui.dataprovider [63]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.corba.glassfish-corba-orb [96]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.persistence.cmp.enhancer [28]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.fighterfish.osgi-ejb-container [287]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [javax.batch-api [130]],
State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.external.dbschema-repackaged [64]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.ha.shoal-cache-bootstrap [111]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.admingui.console-corba-plugin [51]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.apache.felix.fileinstall [280]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[ [88]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.deployment.deployment-client [67]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [ [108]],
State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.common.scattered-archive-api [236]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [org.glassfish.hk2.api
[113]], State = [READY]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.apache.felix.gogo.command [281]], State = [RESOLVED]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[javax.enterprise.deploy-api [135]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [javax.resource-api
[144]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.admingui.console-web-plugin [60]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.core.glassfish-extra-jre-packages [98]], State =
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.tyrus.container-glassfish-cdi [252]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.jms.admin [181]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.tyrus.container-grizzly [253]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[ [217]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[ [89]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.registration.glassfish-registration [103]], State =
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.common.internal-api [120]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [org.glassfish.gmbal.gmbal
[105]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.connectors.internal-api [44]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.hk2.config-types [41]], State = [READY]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.jersey.ext.jersey-mvc [178]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.webservices.jsr109-impl [189]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[ [268]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[ [75]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.admin.util [8]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.web.jspcaching-connector [188]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.web.jsf-connector [185]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.admingui.console-community-branding-plugin [49]],
State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.ha.ha-file-store [110]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [
[35]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.jersey.core.jersey-server [179]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [
[142]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.core.glassfish [104]], State = [READY]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.concurrent.connector [38]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [javax.persistence [143]],
State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [org.glassfish.main.web.ha
[265]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.hk2.external.cglib [22]], State = [READY]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.apache.felix.bundlerepository [208]], State = [RESOLVED]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.common.glassfish-ee-api [97]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[ [126]], State =
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.persistence.jpa-container [184]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.registration.registration-impl [231]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [javax.transaction-api
[152]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.web.javax.servlet.jsp [149]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.modelgen [215]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.common.glassfish-api [90]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [jackson-core-asl [122]],
State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.tyrus.websocket-core [258]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.web.naming [266]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.fighterfish.osgi-jpa [291]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.flashlight.flashlight-extra-jdk-packages [77]],
State = [RESOLVED]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.javax.enterprise.concurrent [134]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[ [87]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.common.glassfish-naming [101]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[ [170]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.persistence.cmp.model [31]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[ [240]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.jms.core [182]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.admingui.console-jts-plugin [57]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [woodstox-core-asl [276]],
State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.osgi-platforms.osgi-cli-remote [219]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.ejb.ejb-container [72]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.metro.webservices-api-osgi [3]], State = [READY]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.web.weld-integration-fragment [273]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.eclipse.persistence.core [211]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.jersey.core.jersey-common [164]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.common.simple-glassfish-api [244]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.jdbc.config [160]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.external.j-interop-repackaged [121]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [org.shoal.cache [241]],
State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.web.jstl-connector [190]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.core.kernel [193]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.admin.core [7]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.fighterfish.osgi-web-container [293]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.fighterfish.osgi-cdi [285]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [org.glassfish.jsonp-jaxrs
[187]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[ [199]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.batch.glassfish-batch-commands [91]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[ [175]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.jersey.ext.jersey-bean-validation [162]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.admingui.console-ejb-plugin [53]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.admingui.console-common-full-plugin [47]], State =
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.admingui.console-concurrent-plugin [50]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.admingui.console-common [48]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [org.glassfish.tyrus.spi
[257]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.admin.config-api [40]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[ [238]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.webservices.metro-glue [200]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.loadbalancer.load-balancer-admin [197]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [jackson-jaxrs [123]],
State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[ [84]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.deployment.common [68]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [javax.jms-api [139]],
State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.corba.glassfish-corba-csiv2-idl [93]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.pfl.pfl-dynamic [226]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.hk2.osgi-resource-locator [4]], State = [RESOLVED]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.eclipse.persistence.dbws [212]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[ [86]], State
= [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.jersey.containers.glassfish.jersey-gf-ejb [169]], State =
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.tyrus.container-servlet [254]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.web.cli [260]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.external.jmxremote_optional-repackaged [183]], State
= [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.grizzly.glassfish-grizzly-extra-all [99]], State =
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.hk2.class-model [23]], State = [READY]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.pfl.pfl-tf-tools [227]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.deployment.javaee-full [70]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[ [174]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[ [272]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [javax.annotation-api
[1]], State = [READY]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.resources.javamail-runtime [129]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.eclipse.persistence.moxy [216]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.hk2.osgi-adapter [218]], State = [RESOLVED]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [ [154]],
State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [com.sun.pkg.client
[229]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.web.sse [267]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[ [234]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.admin.cli [6]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [javax.servlet-api [147]],
State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.web.glue [263]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[ [82]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.common.amx-core [9]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.common.amx-javaee [10]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.admingui.console-jms-plugin [56]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.web.gui-plugin-common [264]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.admingui.console-cluster-plugin [46]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.concurrent.impl [39]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.cluster.common [25]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [org.glassfish.hk2.locator
[115]], State = [READY]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [
[36]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.osgi-platforms.osgi-container [220]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.jboss.weld.osgi-bundle [275]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.hk2.runlevel [116]], State = [READY]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [com.sun.el.javax.el
[132]], State = [RESOLVED]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [org.apache.felix.scr
[284]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.corba.glassfish-corba-internal-api [94]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.external.ldapbp-repackaged [195]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.cluster.gms-adapter [106]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.connectors.runtime [45]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[javax.servlet.jsp.jstl-api [150]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.hk2.external.javax.inject [137]], State = [READY]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.fighterfish.osgi-jpa-extension [221]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.common.annotation-framework [11]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.external.trilead-ssh2-repackaged [250]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.external.ant [12]], State = [RESOLVED]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.jersey.core.jersey-client [163]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.deployment.javaee-core [69]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.jdbc.admin [159]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.orb.iiop [207]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[ [80]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.admingui.console-ejb-lite-plugin [52]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.common.container-common [61]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.admingui.console-plugin-service [58]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[GlassFish-Application-Common-Module [14]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.orb.connector [205]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.jersey.containers.jersey-container-servlet [167]], State
= [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.hk2.external.bean-validator-cdi [20]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[ [246]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.fighterfish.osgi-http [288]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.grizzly.nucleus-grizzly-all [203]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [javax.ejb-api [131]],
State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [javax.xml.registry-api
[155]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.ha.shoal-cache-store [112]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.apache.felix.gogo.runtime [282]], State = [RESOLVED]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.cluster.admin [24]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.connectors.inbound-runtime [43]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.resources.connector [232]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [org.glassfish.hk2.utils
[117]], State = [READY]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.ejb.ejb-full-container [73]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [org.shoal.gms-api [242]],
State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [org.glassfish.hk2.core
[62]], State = [READY]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[javax.enterprise.concurrent-api [133]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [org.glassfish.pfl.pfl-tf
[228]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.resourcebase.resources.nucleus-resources [204]],
State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.resources.javamail-connector [128]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.appclient.server.appclient-connector [15]], State =
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.appclient.server.appclient-server-core [16]], State
= [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.appclient.acc-config [5]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [javax.interceptor-api
[138]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.core.javaee-kernel [127]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.common.stats77 [247]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.admingui.console-updatecenter-plugin [59]], State =
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.pfl.pfl-basic-tools [224]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [javax.websocket-api
[153]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [org.glassfish.hk2.hk2
[118]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.common.util [37]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [org.shoal.gms-impl
[243]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.fighterfish.osgi-jdbc [290]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [org.glassfish.tyrus.core
[255]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.pfl.pfl-basic [225]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.tyrus.server [256]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[ [17]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.cluster.ssh [26]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [javax.xml.rpc-api [156]],
State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[ [235]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.external.antlr-repackaged [13]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[ [277]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [org.jvnet.mimepull
[201]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.batch.glassfish-batch-connector [92]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.jdbc.runtime [161]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.admin.monitoring-core [202]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.fighterfish.osgi-ee-resources [286]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.external.schema2beans-repackaged [237]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[ [173]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.cluster.gms-bootstrap [107]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [com.sun.mail.javax.mail
[141]], State = [RESOLVED]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.persistence.cmp.generator-database [29]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.webservices.soap-tcp [245]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [com.sun.jsftemplating
[186]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.persistence.cmp.internal-api [30]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.apache.felix.eventadmin [279]], State = [RESOLVED]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.web.embed-api [262]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.transaction.internal-api [249]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.tyrus.client [251]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.eclipse.persistence.jpa [213]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[102]], State = [RESOLVED]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[ [32]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[ [171]], State =
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [jaxb-api [2]], State =
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.core.logging [198]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.webservices.connector [269]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.jersey.ext.jersey-mvc-jsp [177]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.metro.webservices-extra-jdk-packages [270]], State =
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.web.war-util [259]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.web.jersey-mvc-connector [176]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[ [283]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[ [119]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [org.glassfish.ha.ha-api
[109]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[ [172]], State =
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.fighterfish.osgi-jta [292]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.web.core [261]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.external.libpam4j-repackaged [196]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.apache.felix.configadmin [278]], State = [RESOLVED]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[ [33]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [jackson-mapper-asl
[124]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.deployment.dol [71]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.persistence.cmp.ejb-mapping [27]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.admingui.console-jdbc-plugin [55]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [com.sun.xml.bind [158]],
State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.admin.launcher [194]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.flashlight.framework [78]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [org.glassfish.pfl.pfl-asm
[223]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [org.glassfish.javax.faces
[136]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [
[146]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.eclipse.persistence.asm [210]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.jersey.containers.glassfish.jersey-gf-cdi [168]], State =
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[ [83]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.corba.glassfish-corba-omgapi [95]], State = [RESOLVED]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [jackson-xc [125]], State
= [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.eclipse.persistence.antlr [209]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.ejb.internal-api [74]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.codehaus.jettison.jettison [180]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [com.sun.xml.bind.extra
[157]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.deployment.autodeploy [66]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.persistence.cmp.utility [34]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[ [79]],
State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.jersey.containers.jersey-container-grizzly2-http [165]],
State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[ [81]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [javax.servlet.jsp-api
[148]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.web.weld-integration [274]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.glassfish.main.deployment.admin [65]], State = [NEW]]
Registered Module: [OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle =
[org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.jpql [214]], State = [NEW]]
Found populator: com.sun.enterprise.v3.server.GFDomainXml
#!## LogManagerService.postConstruct :
#!## LogManagerService.postConstruct :
#!## LogManagerService.postConstruct :
#!## LogManagerService.postConstruct :
INFO: Running GlassFish Version: GlassFish Server Open Source Edition
4.0 (build 89)
INFO: Server log file is using Formatter class:
INFO: SEC1115: Realm [admin-realm] of classtype
[] successfully
INFO: SEC1115: Realm [file] of classtype
[] successfully
INFO: SEC1115: Realm [certificate] of classtype
successfully created.
INFO: Grizzly Framework 2.3.1 started in: 20ms - bound to [/,080]
INFO: Grizzly Framework 2.3.1 started in: 3ms - bound to [/,181]
INFO: Grizzly Framework 2.3.1 started in: 2ms - bound to [/,848]
INFO: Authorization Service has successfully initialized.
INFO: Grizzly Framework 2.3.1 started in: 1ms - bound to [/,700]
INFO: Registered for
persistence-type = replicated in BackingStoreFactoryRegistry
INFO: HV000001: Hibernate Validator 5.0.0.Final
INFO: GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.0 (89) startup time :
Felix (5,727ms), startup services(1,628ms), total(7,355ms)
INFO: Initiating Jersey application, version Jersey: 2.0 2013-05-03
INFO: JMXStartupService has started JMXConnector on JMXService URL
INFO: Grizzly Framework 2.3.1 started in: 1ms - bound to [/,080]
INFO: Grizzly Framework 2.3.1 started in: 1ms - bound to [/,676]
INFO: this.makeModuleFor(org.glassfish.main.web.glue, null) returned
OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [org.glassfish.main.web.glue [263]], State =
INFO: this.makeModuleFor(org.glassfish.web.javax.servlet.jsp, null)
returned OSGiModuleImpl:: Bundle = [org.glassfish.web.javax.servlet.jsp
[149]], State = [READY]
INFO: Registered
as OSGi service registration:
INFO: visiting unvisited references
INFO: SEC1002: Security Manager is OFF.
INFO: SEC1010: Entering Security Startup Service
INFO: SEC1143: Loading policy provider
INFO: SEC1011: Security Service(s) Started Successfully
INFO: Created HTTP listener http-listener-1 on host/port
INFO: Created HTTP listener http-listener-2 on host/port
INFO: Created HTTP listener admin-listener on host/port
INFO: Created virtual server server
INFO: Created virtual server __asadmin
INFO: Setting JAAS app name glassfish-web
INFO: Virtual server server loaded default web module
INFO: visiting unvisited references
INFO: visiting unvisited references
INFO: WELD-000900 2.0.0 (SP1)
WARNING: Class 'javax.ejb.PostActivate' not found, interception based
on it is not enabled
WARNING: Class 'javax.ejb.PrePassivate' not found, interception based
on it is not enabled
INFO: Initializing Mojarra 2.2.0 ( 20130502-2118 for context
INFO: Loading application [passthrough] at [/passthrough]
INFO: passthrough was successfully deployed in 5,960 milliseconds.
INFO: Created HTTP listener http-listener-2 on host/port
INFO: Grizzly Framework 2.3.1 started in: 2ms - bound to [/,181]
INFO: Domain Pinged: