Re: request asarch review for deploy command enhancement in GlassFish

From: Bill Shannon <>
Date: Tue, 28 May 2013 21:12:34 -0700

Sahoo wrote on 05/28/2013 07:55 PM:
> On Wednesday 29 May 2013 04:14 AM, Bill Shannon wrote:
>> Adding hooks for a virus checker (again, a separate project) seems like a good
>> thing, but I'm not sure how using a staging directory would help that.
> A very simple way to implement virus checking functionality is to add a protocol
> handler called "vc" and decoarating the input URL with vc. e.g., if
> administrators deploy:
> asadmin deploy vc:http://....,
> then virus checker can intercept the input stream and scan it before returning.

If virus checking is implemented, it should be required, not optional.