Re: How to configure Maven property?

From: Peter Pilgrim <>
Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2013 11:11:20 +0000

On 19 March 2013 11:10, Peter Pilgrim <> wrote:
> Romain, Thanks very much.
> I seems that I doing the wrong thing - `mvn release' !
> My repo will remain private. I really do not want to mirror the repo at all.
> Thanks for time and understanding.
> On 19 March 2013 11:09, Romain Grecourt <> wrote:
>> On 3/19/13 11:48 AM, Peter Pilgrim wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> Let's try a different tack, shall we.
>>> In the project, namely Glassfish main trunk, there are a couple of POM
>>> files, namely:
>>> glassfish-main\appserver\pom.xml
>>> glassfish-main\nucleus\pom.xml
>>> In these POM files, there is a Maven property setting called
>>> <properties>
>>> ...
>>> <>${}-private</>
>>> ...
>>> </properties>
>>> Now if I go the folder of the root project
>>> % cd glassfish-main
>>> and then execute the following command, assume I have a clean project:
>>> % mvn install -DskipTests=true
>>> Eventually the entire GlassFish project get builds, the dependencies
>>> generated are *-4.0-SNAPSHOT, which is fine. I am ok with that. How
>>> does 4.0-SNAPSHOT then become *-4.0-b81? I believe that this is
>>> decided by executing the maven deploy, which I do with:
>>> % mvn deploy -DskipTests=true
>>> Applying this system property at the command line
>>> does *NOT* override the Maven properties in the sub multi-module. I
>>> see no evidence of this. The question, therefore, why does it not
>>> override, and ergo, how does it configured then.
>> We do maven releases, see
>>> As you read my blog entry, we
>>> can see that I have hacked the necessary POM files in order to deploy
>>> my own private Artifactory repository and not Maven Central. Who cares
>>> what the target repository it is, anyway?
>> We have to rely on you about the fact that your repository will stay
>> private, otherwise we are exposed to duplicated GAV.
>>> This is supposed to be
>>> OpenSource. I just trying to get GlassFish Embedded so that I can
>>> write this JavaEE 7 book and not have to be dependent on promoted
>>> builds being released.
>> You can just build the trunk continuously (e.g with a hudson job) using the
>> following (and without hacking any pom):
>> > mvn clean install -Pembedded,javaee-api
>> and archive the embedded artifacts from the workspace (instead of local
>> repository):
>>> appserver/javaee-api/*/target
>>> appserver/extras/embedded/*/target
>> Thanks,
>> Romain
>>> ==////==
Peter Pilgrim,