Re: About the style of GFv3 command name--Thanks for your reply

From: leisore <>
Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2012 10:09:36 +0800

Thank you very much, Tom
I get it.

On 2012-12-10 23:47, Tom Mueller wrote:
> On 12/10/12 4:22 AM, leisore wrote:
>> Hi,
>> For the style of GFv3 command name, I have some doubts.
>> I find that some commands name start with "_", others start with
>> "__"(two "_"),
>> and the rests are normal, just start with a letter.
>> For example:_deploy, __create-user-group, deploy
>> At first I thought the commands starting with "_" and "__" are private,
>> that means
>> user can't see or execute these commands(in fact, the documents of GFv3
>> didn't describe
>> these commands). But then I found I was wrong, I counld list these
>> commands with subcommand
>> "list-commands _" and I counld execute this commands in the asadmin utility.
> The "_" does mean "private" but private in the sense that the command is
> not documented
> and it may be removed or changed in any release, so don't depend on it
> being there.
> Generally, these commands are used by the implementation of other commands.
> There is no special mean to the double underscore - it is just a private
> command too.
> There are no special access restrictions on private commands. As you
> have seen,
> list-commands will show them and they can be executed.
>> Therefore, please tell me the difference between them,
>> or do we have a convention about them?
>> Moreover, can I define a command that its name contains a space, just
>> like the following:
>> @Service(name="add --cloud-container")
>> @Scoped(PerLookup.class)
>> public class AddCloudContainer implements AdminCommand {
>> It's ok in my test, but I'm not sure whether there are
>> poential problems like doing these.
> No, this is not a good practice. If it works, it probably shouldn't.
> Tom
>> Thanks,
>> Leisore