Re: Fwd: [glassfish~svn:56191] del cloud-extra

From: Ancoron Luciferis <>
Date: Tue, 06 Nov 2012 22:59:40 +0100

On 11/06/2012 09:41 PM, Tom Mueller wrote:
> Hi Ancoron,
> The GlassFish trunk is used for code that is actively under development
> for the current or next Java EE release (Java EE 7), and since the cloud
> support was dropped from Java EE 7, then this proof of concept code has
> been set aside. We expect that as we learn more about cloud features
> for Java EE leading up to a future Java EE release, that the cloud
> support that was there would have to be substantially altered. To
> encourage contributions from the community, to avoid bias towards a
> prototype implementation and to focus our efforts on Java EE 7, it is
> better to not have this code that is not under active development in the
> source tree for Java EE 7. If there really is interest in that old code,
> it can always be checked out with "svn co -r 56190".
> Tom

Hi Tom,

OK, thanx for the clarification.



> On 11/5/12 5:39 PM, Ancoron Luciferis wrote:
>> Hi devs,
>> I just noticed the dropping of all the nice cloud-related stuff.
>> I have some questions on this matter:
>> So no-one is working on the IaaS/PaaS layer currently?
>> Why has it been just dropped altogether instead of transferred to a
>> special branch to keep it for upcoming work in this area?
>> Thanx in advance,
>> Ancoron
>> -------- Original Message --------
>> Subject: [glassfish~svn:56191] del cloud-extra
>> Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2012 13:48:10 +0000
>> From:
>> Reply-To:
>> To:
>> Project: glassfish
>> Repository: svn
>> Revision: 56191
>> Author: romain_grecourt
>> Date: 2012-10-01 13:48:09 UTC
>> Link:
>> Log Message:
>> ------------
>> del cloud-extra
>> Revisions:
>> ----------
>> 56191
>> Diffs:
>> ------