Hi Glassfish dev team,
for a custom Glassfish-specific proprietary JCA resource adapter
implementation, I am looking for a way to get access to a list/set of
all connector connection pools deployed into the current GF instance.
In Glassfish versions prior to 3.x, I could simply do:
PoolManagerImpl pm = ConnectorRuntime.getRuntime().getPoolManager();
Set poolNames = pm.getPoolTable().keySet();
and receive a Set of Strings representing the pool names. The method
public Hashtable getPoolTable()
in class PoolManagerImpl was declared public.
I have just stumbled over the fact that I can no longer do this in
Glassfish v3.x... :-(
I am fine with the need to switch from Strings representing the pools to
instances of the PoolInfo class, but it looks like method
private ConcurrentHashMap<PoolInfo, ResourcePool> getPoolTable()
in PoolManagerImpl is now private (not even protected), which is a real
pity. Is there any other way to have some other public method return a
Set of all PoolInfo instances?
The only workaround I am aware of so far consists in providing my code
the Security permissions to call setAccessible(true) on the above method
getPoolTable(), which is really a very ugly way to achieve what I need...
Thanks a million in advance for your help!
Best regards,
Andreas Loew
Senior Java Architect
ACS Principal Service Delivery Engineer
ORACLE Germany