Re: Fwd: custom SAM using glassfish SSO?

From: Ron Monzillo <>
Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2012 14:27:00 -0400

On 9/17/12 10:38 AM, Derek Knapp wrote:
> Is there any way for my custom SAM to use glassfish's build in SSO abilities?
> If not, anyone have any experience doing SSO across multiple applications with a custom SAM?

Yes, by using a proprietary extension to the Servlet Profile of JASPIC,
a SAM can tell the Glassfish
Servlet container to "register" an authentication session.

 From validateRequest, and after having used the container callback
handler to
set the caller identity, the SAM would return the following key value
pair in the MessageInfo (map)

key = "com.sun.web.RealmAdapter.register"
value = "true"

Then when the SAM returns to the container, with return value
the container will bind the request to a container authentication session.
