> So, I think that the problem maybe still exist, any idea?
From stacktrace of the problem, setCoyoteResponse(Response
coyoteResponse) method is indeed called, however, Grizzly asynic io
is not still disabled
(org.glassfish.grizzly.nio.transport.TCPNIOTransportFilter is still used).
Tang Yong wrote:
> Hi Alexey,
> Thanks your quick reply very much!
> > Do you have the latest GF built from sources?
> Yeah, I used 2012/8/20 Updated GF Trunk, so souces should be
> the latest.
> In addition, on Revision: 55496, swchan2 commented out the following
> sentence.
> //grizzlyOutputBuffer.setAsyncEnabled(true);
> Then, I confirmed that on 2012/8/20 Updated GF Trunk
> (main\appserver\web\web-core\src\main\java\org\apache\catalina\connector\OutputBuffer.java),
> the above sentence has been also commented out.
> So, I think that the problem maybe still exist, any idea?
> --Best Regard!
> --Tang
> Oleksiy Stashok wrote:
>> Hi Tang,
>> [2] had to be fixed by this commit:
>> Project: glassfish
>> Repository: svn
>> Revision: 55496
>> Author: swchan2
>> Date: 2012-08-15 19:48:01 UTC
>> Link:
>> Log Message:
>> ------------
>> temporary disable Grizzly asynic io, wait for Grizzly 2.3.x
>> Do you have the latest GF built from sources?
>> Thanks.
>> WBR,
>> Alexey.
>> On 08/20/2012 02:41 PM, Tang Yong wrote:
>>> Hi Sahoo,
>>> About current status of the improvement, I have commented on jira,
>>> please see[1] and [2], especially [2].
>>> [1] http://java.net/jira/browse/GLASSFISH-12975
>>> [2] http://java.net/jira/browse/GLASSFISH-19023
>>> [1] is blocked because [2].
>>> I want to know whether needing to investigate [2] in depth or not?
>>> --Tang
>>> Sahoo wrote:
>>>> Hi Tang,
>>>> Sorry for the delay.
>>>> I have looked at your github project. It looks good. Do you think we
>>>> should upgrade to Felix Web Console 3.1.4 so that we can take
>>>> advantage of the richer WebConsolerSecurityProvider2 interface of
>>>> Felix Web Console? That way we won't be limited to only "HTTP Basic
>>>> Authentication?" I guess we can include what you have done and then
>>>> improve it later on. I am in the process of finding out the
>>>> contribution acceptance process. Hopefully I will find the answers
>>>> soon. In the meanwhile, I noticed some of your files do not have
>>>> correct copyright and license headers. Pl. fix them and upload them
>>>> to JIRA or reference the new github URL from JIRA.
>>>> You had a question about injection not working for
>>>> GlassFishSecurityProvider. I guess you directly instantiated the
>>>> class from the bundle activator in which case HK2 injection manager
>>>> didn't get an opportunity to perform injection. Use of
>>>> GlassFish.getService is alright.
>>>> Thanks for all the good work you are doing.
>>>> Sahoo
>>>> [1]
>>>> http://felix.apache.org/site/web-console-security-provider.html#WebConsoleSecurityProvider-WebConsoleSecurityProvider2
>>>> On Wednesday 18 July 2012 05:24 PM, Tang Yong wrote:
>>>>> Hi Sahoo, Shaun,
>>>>> Now, I have resolved the problem which I met.
>>>>> After investigating again, I found that using
>>>>> org.glassfish.embeddable.GlassFish(simple-glassfish-api module)
>>>>> can get AuthenticationService and integrate felix-webconsole's
>>>>> authentication with Glassfish JAAS successfully.
>>>>> My souce has updated into github and please review it.
>>>>> Then, I will start to investigate cdi-related rfp/bug, firstly, I
>>>>> will investigate http://java.net/jira/browse/GLASSFISH-18370.
>>>>> [A Request]
>>>>> If having time, I wish sahoo can explain why from
>>>>> felix-webconsole-extension module, can not get HK2 services and
>>>>> components using Injection way?
>>>>> --Best Regard!
>>>>> --Tang
>>>>> Tang Yong wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Shaun,
>>>>>> Thanks your suggestion very much.
>>>>>> I have tried and AuthenticationService has still been not injected
>>>>>> successfully.
>>>>>> I have confirmed that my working enviroment is ok because I found
>>>>>> that
>>>>>> some class on other modules liking deployment-admin can get
>>>>>> injected objects liking BaseServiceLocator.
>>>>>> So, whether from felix-webconsole-extension module, can not get
>>>>>> HK2 components or not?
>>>>>> --Tang
>>>>>> Shaun Pei wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Yong
>>>>>>> Did you try to directly inject the AuthenticationService into
>>>>>>> your code?
>>>>>>> An example using AuthenticationService is
>>>>>>> com.sun.enterprise.admin.util.GenericAdminAuthenticator.java,
>>>>>>> which directly injects the AuthenticationService at line 150.
>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>> Shaun
>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>> From: Tang Yong [mailto:tangyong_at_cn.fujitsu.com] Sent: Tuesday,
>>>>>>> July 17, 2012 1:02 PM
>>>>>>> To: Sahoo; dev_at_glassfish.java.net
>>>>>>> Subject: About GLASSFISH-12975
>>>>>>> Dear Sahoo, Security Leader,
>>>>>>> About GLASSFISH-12975(Use glassfish admin realm for
>>>>>>> authentication and authorisation of OSGi admin console),
>>>>>>> I have made a basic prototype put on
>>>>>>> https://github.com/tangyong/GLASSFISH-12975.
>>>>>>> You can copy
>>>>>>> tree/master/felix-webconsole-extension/target/felix-webconsole-extension.jar
>>>>>>> into modules\autostart and start
>>>>>>> "GlassFish OSGi Administration Console", then, input GF's admin
>>>>>>> account and check whether having glassfish admin realm for
>>>>>>> authentication or not.
>>>>>>> The following is my design idea and a critical problem needed to
>>>>>>> discuss.
>>>>>>> [Desgin]
>>>>>>> 1 Implement the felix web console's WebConsoleSecurityProvider
>>>>>>> interface.
>>>>>>> Note:
>>>>>>> The current karaf's JaasSecurityProvider class implements felix
>>>>>>> web console's WebConsoleSecurityProvider2, and the
>>>>>>> WebConsoleSecurityProvider2 is not in
>>>>>>> org.apache.felix.webconsole-3.1.2.
>>>>>>> 2 On FelixWebConsoleExtensionActivator class, register GF's
>>>>>>> implementation of WebConsoleSecurityProvider.
>>>>>>> 3 On GF's implementation of WebConsoleSecurityProvider, integrate
>>>>>>> the glassfish admin realm called "admin-realm". On the current my
>>>>>>> prototype, I used LoginContextDriver.login(subject,
>>>>>>> PasswordCredential.class).
>>>>>>> However, I indeed did not want to use the way, because I found
>>>>>>> that if using
>>>>>>> org.glassfish.security.services.impl.AuthenticationServiceFactory
>>>>>>> to get authentication related to services which should be
>>>>>>> registered into HK2 components, I think that it will be very good
>>>>>>> because security-services module can get realm from domain.xml.
>>>>>>> So, I tried to do it and however, I met a big problem on the
>>>>>>> whole night.
>>>>>>> [Problem]
>>>>>>> Firstly, Please allow me put the codes having the problem as
>>>>>>> following:
>>>>>>> @Service
>>>>>>> public class GlassFishSecurityProvider implements
>>>>>>> WebConsoleSecurityProvider{
>>>>>>> @Inject
>>>>>>> StateManager manager;
>>>>>>> @Inject
>>>>>>> BaseServiceLocator serviceLocator;
>>>>>>> @Override
>>>>>>> public Object authenticate(String username, String password) {
>>>>>>> String currentState = manager.getCurrent();
>>>>>>> // Get Service Instance
>>>>>>> AuthenticationService atnService =
>>>>>>> serviceLocator.getComponent(AuthenticationService.class);
>>>>>>> // Get Service Configuration
>>>>>>> org.glassfish.security.services.config.AuthenticationService
>>>>>>> atnConfiguration =
>>>>>>> serviceLocator.getComponent(org.glassfish.security.services.config.AuthenticationService.class,currentState);
>>>>>>> // Initialize Service
>>>>>>> atnService.initialize(atnConfiguration);
>>>>>>> final Subject fs = null;
>>>>>>> try {
>>>>>>> atnService.login(username, password.toCharArray(), fs);
>>>>>>> } catch (LoginException e) { e.printStackTrace();
>>>>>>> return null;
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> return fs; }
>>>>>>> When debugging the authenticate method, both manager and
>>>>>>> serviceLocator are null. I have tried many ways and have no
>>>>>>> effect. So, I want to ask whether from felix-webconsole-extension
>>>>>>> module, can not get HK2 components or not?
>>>>>>> --Best Regard!
>>>>>>> --Tang