[Glassfish CDI/OSGi Integration]About Service<T> and _at_ServiceFilter Features

From: Tang Yong <>
Date: Mon, 06 Aug 2012 16:07:26 +0900

Hi Sahoo, Siver,

Now, my integration has supported Service<T> and @ServiceFilter
Features. Among them,

$B-!(B Service<T> : It represents a service instance producer parametrized by
the service to inject. It has the same behavior than CDI
javax.enterprise.inject.Instance except that it represents only OSGi
service beans.

Related JIRA RFE:

$B-"(B@ServiceFilter : This annotation qualifies an injection point that
represents a LDAP filtered service.It allows to specify the LDAP filter,
as a required String.

Related JIRA RFE:

Normally, @ServiceFilter is used combined with Service<T> in order to
select matched osgi services.

For example:

1 Service Provider1
           @Property(name="country", value="EN")
public class SimpleStockQuoteServiceImpl implements StockQuoteService{

2 Service Provider2
           @Property(name="country", value="CN")
public class OtherStockQuoteServiceImpl implements StockQuoteService{

3 Service Consumer
@WebServlet(urlPatterns = "/list")
public class StockQuoteServlet extends HttpServlet {
@Inject @ServiceFilter("(country=CN)") Service<StockQuoteService> sqses;
for (Iterator<StockQuoteService> it = sqses.iterator(); it.hasNext();){
     StockQuoteService sqs =;
     for(String sym: sqs.getSymbols()){
         out.println("<td>" + sym + "</td>");
         out.println("<td>" + sqs.getQuote(sym) + "</td>");

On the above case, StockQuoteServlet will get osgi services matched


$B!z(BIntegration CDI event and OSGi event

Wish sahoo and siver can have time to review and discuss with me.
