Re: [Glassfish CDI/OSGi Integration]About _at_Publish Feature

From: Tang Yong <>
Date: Fri, 03 Aug 2012 20:25:11 +0900

Hi Sahoo, Siva

I created a subTask(GLASSFISH-18972) of GLASSFISH-18938 in order to
make @Publish to support filter properties, and Now, I have implemented

[Current Using Way]
1 Service Publishing

@publish({ @property(name="country", value="CN") })
public class SimpleStockQuoteServiceImpl implements StockQuoteService

2 Service Consuming

@WebServlet(urlPatterns = "/list")
public class StockQuoteServlet extends HttpServlet {
@OSGiService(serviceCriteria="(country=CN)", dynamic = true,
StockQuoteService sqs;

I wish that sahoo can explain GLASSFISH-18896 in detail and what is mean
of "Allow criteria to be configurable" , becasue GLASSFISH-18896 also
relates to this thread's topic.

In according to my evaluation, I will implement the GLASSFISH-16805
firstly, then, implement the integration between CDI Event and OSGi
Event. In addition, I will re-create threads about GLASSFISH-16805 and
CDI Event Integration.


Tang Yong wrote:
> Hi Sahoo, Siva, Hong
> I have made some improvements on my prototype,
> [Improvements]
> 1) While starting a plain osgi bundle having beans.xml, registering
> osgi services which are exposed using @Publish annotation
> 2) Within the seconds set on wait timeouts attribute of @OSGiService,
> if user starts the service bundle with @Publish again, the service
> client will access services successfully again.
> [Using Way]
> 1) building and deploying stockquote_service_usingcdi
> - cd stockquote-cdi-osgi-sample\stockquote_service_usingcdi
> - maven clean install
> - asadmin deploy --type=osgi stockquote_service_usingcdi.jar
> 2) building and deploying stockquote_cdi_wab
> - cd stockquote-cdi-osgi-sample\stockquote_cdi_wab
> - maven clean install
> - asadmin deploy --type=osgi stockquote_cdi_wab.war
> 3) access "http://localhost:8080/stockquote/list"
> OK!
> 4) telnet localhost 6666
> 5) stopping stockquote_service_usingcdi bundle (etc. stop 341)
> ! stop 341
> 6) access "http://localhost:8080/stockquote/list" again, at the moment,
> if user starts 341 again within 30 seconds, stockquote_cdi_wab will be
> accessed successfully, otherwise, service will be unavailable.
> [ToDo List]
> 1) while using felix shell to install bundle with beans.xml, also making
> weld container to scan @Publish annotation and register osgi services.
> 2) validate a hybrid javaee app among which if a module uses @Publish
> annotation, whether to support it or not?
> --Best Regard!
> --Tang
> Tang Yong wrote:
>> Hi Sahoo, Siva, Hong
>> Now, A plain OSGi bundle can use @Publish annotation to
>> register service into OSGi world not using BundleActivator.
>> Taking a stockquote-cdi as a example, user can use the following way
>> to publish a osgi service which can be consumed by a servlet of WAB
>> @Publish
>> public class SimpleStockQuoteServiceImpl implements StockQuoteService{
>> ...
>> }
>> then, he/she can use "deploy --type=osgi XXX" to publish the service.
>> ToDo: I will implment the service's publishing on bundle's start rather
>> than on deployment.
>> I have the basic prototype of the feature although still having
>> some problems needed to resolve.
>> The prototype is on
>> Let me to say integration idea.
>> 1) getting WeldSniffer if current plain bundle contains beans.xml on
>> deploying
>> I modified the ApplicationLifecycle.prepareSniffersForOSGiDeployment
>> method to get WeldSniffer.
>> 2) adding @Publish Qualifier into osgi-cdi-api module
>> I evaluated WELD/OSGi project and OSGi RFP 146, and decided to use
>> @Publish Qualifier.
>> ToDo: lately, maybe add some additional properties into @Publish
>> 3) Making Weld can deploy plain bundle(jar) as BeanDeploymentArchiveImpl
>> not only for JavaEE application.
>> The critical point is that making Weld can load the plain bundle(jar)
>> classes and resources, so, I modified
>> BeanDeploymentArchiveImpl.getClassLoader() method.
>> 4) letting Weld BeanManager to discovery bean classes with @Publish
>> Adding the discovering logic into OSGiServiceExtension.afterProcessBean
>> method on osgi-cdi module, and then, registering service into OSGi world.
>> If you having time, please discuss and review it.
>> I will continue to improve the prototype and resolve some problems, and
>> implement other features such as event integration between osgi and cdi.
>> --Best Regard!
>> --Tang