Re: [Design Idea]About GLASSFISH-16998 and GLASSFISH-13006

From: Ancoron Luciferis <>
Date: Sat, 14 Jul 2012 01:49:24 +0200


so besides fixing the problem with the real multi-mode command (I had to
introduce remote session handling - feels quite awful), I also embedded
jline classes ( inside the local command
HK2-Jar to support some features I always wanted to work on inside asadmin:

* command completion (still static for now and very basic)
* command history
* user shell behavior (e.g. CTRL + ALT + BACK_SPACE deletes a word)
* no more weird control characters printed on the terminal
* no additional new-lines

So now this works:

gogo$ x=y
gogo$ echo $x

I did a first release for this (as it also requires an updated felix
remote command):



However, for the pure felix shell there are no sessions available and so
sessions are only supported for gogo.

What do you think?



On 07/13/2012 07:46 AM, Sahoo wrote:
> On Friday 13 July 2012 05:19 AM, Ancoron Luciferis wrote:
>> On 07/12/2012 08:27 PM, Tom Mueller wrote:
>>> Agreed. But with Ancoron's felix command it is now possible to use the
>>> OSGi shell without having to open the security hole. That's what's
>>> really nice about this.
>>> Tom
>> Well... guess what?
>> It was so easy:
>> * copy MultimodeCommand
>> * modify prompt
>> * introduce remote command prefix
>> Usually my code is in Apache 2 license, but as I forked off some code
>> here I complied to use the CDDL + GPL 1.1.
>> However, it would have been much much easier with a MultimodeCommand
>> that is a bit more open for extensions so that I just have to provide a
>> custom prompt and a custom command execution so that I can re-use the
>> infrastructure and just have to extend it instead of copying code.
>> Attached a very first little patch for this extensibility approach.
>> Code:
>> Snapshot binary:
>> Installation:
>> * put it in .../glassfish/lib/asadmin/
> First of all, thanks very much for your effort. Although I have not
> looked at your sources yet, I did try the binary. I tried by copying
> to modules/autostart
> and copying
> to lib/asadmin of my 3.1.2 installation. I had to enable the shell
> bundles to get things working, which is understandable. I observed one
> issue though. I still don't see true multimode command execution. The
> commands seem to be not associated with one CommandSession in the
> backend. As a result, I can't use the last command result in next
> command. e.g., try this:
> $ asadmin -t felix-shell
> felix> x=y
> felix> echo $x
> null<-- See it prints null instead of y
> Now try this instead:
> $asadmin -t felix telnetd start -i -p 6667 # This starts gogo telnet daemon
> telnetd is running on
> $telnet 6667
> g! x=y
> y
> g! echo $x
> y
> Thanks,
> Sahoo