On 03/19/2012 08:58 PM, Bill Shannon wrote:
> peter belbin wrote on 03/19/12 07:15:
>> c)There are dependencies that I had to hunt around to find. Perhaps
>> that was a
>> manifestation of the mvn config issues, but, finding a suitable
>> activation.jar
>> was a hassle. Perhaps you should consider providing a zip package of
>> dependencies with each version so that these can be taken care of
>> quickly and
>> with less frustration.
> Why did you need activation.jar? JAF (activation.jar) is included in
> Java SE 6. Is there a dependency we forgot to remove?
Hi devs,
I really don't want to rant but I just cleaned up my Nexus installation
to drop the no-longer existing maven.glassfish.org repos and immediately
ran into a sh**-load of dependencies that are not available in central.
I always thought that everything that goes to Maven Central should be
self-consistent, but it isn't.
E.g. the problem with the javax.activation is this:
Path to dependency:
1) org.glassfish.main.javaee-api:javax.xml.soap:jar:3.1.2
2) javax.xml.soap:saaj-api:jar:1.3
3) javax.activation:activation:jar:1.0.2
Maven central only lists the pom - exactly what's Maven supposed to
avoid (at least in my thinking of it as a tool).
Even worse with other dependencies like the netbeans ones or
javax.persistence with really ancient or strange non-final version numbers.
However, now that maven.glassfish.org is down completely it reveals some
of the mess-up of dependencies.
I can only hope that there is some effort to clean this up on trunk.
With all the additional repositories one now needs to build GlassFish
3.1.2 it really make the build much much longer which can only be
avoided if shielded by a caching proxy like nexus (which in corporate
environments makes totally sense, but not in private).
But it is not only about this - it is also about trusting a source for
binaries. Who knows the maintainers of e.g. "dev.nightlabs.org"? I
usually trust e.g. apache.org and java.net but I am concerned about any
other source unless I know the maintainers.
Well, in the end I don't know which dependencies originate from which
repository now, but this is the list of repositories I used to be able
to build GlassFish 3.1.2:
However, especially the last one is dead slow.
Also, no guarantees that this list is sufficient to build older versions
of GlassFish.