Re: build error

From: Jason Lee <>
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2012 15:51:29 -0500

I've gotten around issues like that by deleting the directory (assuming
that's not where I'm working):

rm -rf nucleus/packager
svn up
mvn install

I'm not sure why it gets in that sort of state, but I found going
nuclear on it was fast and easy. :P

On 3/15/12 3:49 PM, Carla Mott wrote:
> I'm getting the following build error. I did the following steps:
> update settings.xml with new mirror info
> mvn update (in main dir)
> mvn -U install
> Any ideas?
> <snip>
> create.package:
> filter-module-artifacts:
> [copy] Copying 1 file to
> /Users/cmott/gfws/main/nucleus/packager/nucleus-management/target
> [delete] Deleting 54 files from
> /Users/cmott/gfws/main/nucleus/packager/nucleus-management/target/artifacts
> [mkdir] Created dir:
> /Users/cmott/gfws/main/nucleus/packager/nucleus-management/target/artifacts/distribution-fragments
> [move] Warning:
> /Users/cmott/gfws/main/nucleus/packager/nucleus-management/target/stage/glassfish
> not found.
> create-zip-artifact:
> [INFO]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] An Ant BuildException has occured: The following error occurred
> while executing this line:
> /Users/cmott/gfws/main/nucleus/packager/nucleus-management/build.xml:61:
> The following error occurred while executing this line:
> /Users/cmott/gfws/main/nucleus/packager/common-targets.xml:144:
> /Users/cmott/gfws/main/nucleus/packager/nucleus-management/target/stage not
> found.

Jason Lee
Senior Member of Technical Staff
GlassFish Team
Oracle Corporation
Phone +1 405-216-3193