Re: failed to mvn install

From: Jason Lee <>
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2012 21:25:51 -0800

Unless you NEED to run the tests, I'd suggest adding
-Dmaven.test.skip=true to your build step. That should work around this
issue, and finish faster. It might be that you happened to grab the
tree at a bad point in time. That shouldn't happen, as we're all
running our tests before commit, in theory, but those things do slip
through from time to time. You might update and try again, or skip the
tests. :)

On 2/27/12 8:29 PM, Javafuns wrote:
> I'm new to glassfish. I followed
>, and
> checked out glassfish source code, then 'mvn install', but got
> following test errors.
> Is there anyone know how to solve it ?
> Thanks in advance.

Jason Lee
Senior Member of Technical Staff
GlassFish Team
Oracle Corporation
Phone +1 405-216-3193