Re: 【Confirmation】About "Getting started with HK2 - Part I"

From: Tang Yong <>
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2012 12:24:22 +0900

Hi Andriy,Dev Team,

In addtion,

Because hk2-core.jar is hk2 kernel-related main module,
Adding "HK2-Main-Bundle: user-defined module name" in of
hk2-core.jar is not a right behavior.So, I think that the reason of
preserving the "HK2-Main-Bundle" is only:

When Starting hk2-core.jar, the hk2 framework also needs to start the
other hk2 kernel-related modules.

--Best Regard
--Mike Tang

Tang Yong wrote:
> Hi Andriy,
> I have known how to resolve the WARNING No Main-Bundle module...
> Firstly,
>> Error: Unable to access jarfile lib/hk2.jar
> My thinking is that because using "java -jar hk2-$HK2_VERSION.jar" is
> ok, needing not to rename/copy hk2-$HK2_VERSION.jar to hk2.jar.
> Secondly,
> About Warning, I debugged and investigated the hk2 souce and had the
> following conclusion.
> (1) add the following entry to of hk2-core.jar
> HK2-Main-Bundle: sahoo.hello-startup
> Note:
> "sahoo.hello-startup" is hk2's module definition's name(equaling
> "Bundle-SymbolicName"), and in the current hk2's source, hk2's module
> definition's name has not version info.
> (2) On the cmdline, after executing "java -jar hk2-$HK2_VERSION.jar"
> again, the following info appeared(No Warning!):
> F:\GlassfishV3\samples\hk2\sahoo\hello-world-hk2-sample>java -jar
> ./lib/hk2-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
> Hello World - My first HK2 Sample
> Finally, I have a suggestion:
> According to
> "hk2-core/src/java/com/sun/enterprise/module/",
> The role of "HK2-Main-Bundle" is :
> "This is equivalent of "Main-Class" for us. We'll find {_at_link
> ModuleStartup} from this module."
> Because the fact that if you don't add the "HK2-Main-Bundle" to
> hk2-core.jar, you can still launch the "hello-world-hk2-sample", so,
> why not deleting the "HK2-Main-Bundle"-related codes?
> --Best Regard!
> --Mike Tang
> Andriy Zhdanov wrote:
>> Hi Mike Tang,
>> Sorry, can't understand you.
>> 1) Remove copying of hk2.jar and clean lib dir, then there is no hk2.jar
>> for java -jar hk2.jar:
>> Error: Unable to access jarfile lib/hk2.jar
>> 2) Removing class name in java -jar does not change anything.
>> WARNING: No Main-Bundle module found in manifest of
>> /opt/
>> com.sun.enterprise.module.bootstrap.BootException: No module has a
>> ModuleStartup implementation
>> at
>> com.sun.enterprise.module.bootstrap.Main.findStartupService(
>> Once again, problem is that HK2 looks up for main module in bootstrap
>> jar, which is hk2-core.jar in the case, because it is where
>> com.sun.enterprise.module.bootstrap.Main is, as specified in Main-class
>> in hk2.jar.
>> com.sun.enterprise.module.bootstrap.Main (
>> String targetModule = findMainModuleName(bootstrap);
>> bootstrap=/opt/
>> targetModule=null
>> Also notice, hk2.jar!/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF has the following class path:
>> Class-Path: hk2-core.jar class-model.jar config.jar auto-depends.jar j
>> avax.inject.jar asm-all-repackaged.jar hk2-api.jar osgi-resource-loca
>> tor.jar tiger-types.jar bean-validator.jar jtype.jar
>> This is why renames all hk2-*-$HK2_VERSION.jar to hk2-*.jar into
>> lib dir.
>> Well, I've just made another unsuccessful attempt - let HK2 find
>> MyStartup module by ModuleStartup contract (see
>> com.sun.enterprise.module.bootstrap.Main.findStartupService(
>> Adding Main-Class to hello-startup.jar and using it for java -jar
>> launcher, helps a bit, but it still does not work:
>> NullPointerException
>> at
>> com.sun.enterprise.module.bootstrap.Main.findStartupService(
>> Because classloader of MyStartup class is not ModuleClassLoader. No
>> ideas furthermore.
>> See also changes
>> <>.
>> Thank you.
>> On 02/25/2012 12:37 PM, Tang Yong wrote:
>>> Hi Andriy,
>>> Thanks your reply quickly!
>>> I have seen the in your github's sample and exeucted your
>>> The result is ok! But I have few suggestions on your
>>> (1) The following cp is not needed because hk2-$HK2_VERSION.jar is main
>>> module.
>>> cp $MAVEN_LOCAL_REP/org/glassfish/hk2/hk2/$HK2_VERSION/
>>> hk2-$HK2_VERSION.jar lib/hk2.jar
>>> (2) The following sentence
>>> "
>>> $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -jar lib/hk2.jar
>>> com.sun.enterprise.module.bootstrap.Main"
>>> should be modified to
>>> "
>>> $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -jar lib/hk2-$HK2_VERSION.jar"
>>> because in hk2-$HK2_VERSION.jar, there is an executable entry.
>>> "Main-Class: com.sun.enterprise.module.bootstrap.Main"
>>> --Best Regard!
>>> --Mike Tang
>>> Andriy Zhdanov wrote:
>>>> Hi Mike,
>>>> I've been also recently struggling with the sample, and have not managed
>>>> to make it work with, it appears main module is being looked for
>>>> inside jar with Bootstrap class (in hk2-core.jar particularly), and
>>>> setting mainModule does not work either, but it works for maven:
>>>> mvn -f hello-startup/pom.xml -DmainModule=sahoo.hello-startup hk2:run
>>>> So may be Sahoo will comment on this, but I believe you can work it out
>>>> with maven too.
>>>> If you'd also like, see my updated version of it here
>>>> <>.
>>>> Thank you.
>>>> On 2/24/12 3:52 PM, Tang Yong wrote:
>>>>> Hello Dear Sahoo,HK2 DevTeam,
>>>>> About HK2's using way, I found that according to Sahoo's weblog("Getting
>>>>> started with HK2 - Part I"), when I ran the "hello-world-hk2-sample" in
>>>>> windows platform using the following way, I ran the following error.
>>>>> 【Running Way(according to "")】
>>>>> (1) Copy auto-depends-$HK2_VERSION.jar,config-$HK2_VERSION.jar,
>>>>> hk2-core-$HK2_VERSION.jar,hk2-$HK2_VERSION.jar,tiger-types-1.4.jar,
>>>>> hello-startup-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to the new created "lib"
>>>>> (2) java -jar ./lib/hk2-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
>>>>> Note:
>>>>> Because I built hk2 from trunk, the $HK2_VERSION which I used is
>>>>> hk2-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT.
>>>>> 【Error Info】
>>>>> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
>>>>> com/sun/enterprise/module/bootstrap/Main
>>>>> Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
>>>>> com.sun.enterprise.module.bootstrap.Main
>>>>> ...
>>>>> 【Investigation】
>>>>> Then, I investigated for a while and have the following result:
>>>>> (1) In hk2-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar's Manifest.MF, there are the following
>>>>> descriptions(★Dependency JARs have not $HK2_VERSION):
>>>>> ”
>>>>> Class-Path: hk2-core.jar class-model.jar config.jar auto-depends.jar j
>>>>> avax.inject.jar asm-all-repackaged.jar hk2-api.jar osgi-resource-loca
>>>>> tor.jar javax.inject.jar tiger-types.jar bean-validator.jar jtype.jar
>>>>> ”
>>>>> So, I modified the [Running Way] using the following:
>>>>> Copy auto-depends.jar,config.jar,hk2-core.jar,tiger-types.jar to the new
>>>>> created "lib" again.
>>>>> To be pity, the same error info still appeared.
>>>>> (2) Then,apart from the above jar, when I added class-model.jar,
>>>>> asm-all-repackaged.jar,hk2-api.jar and javax.inject.jar to the new
>>>>> created "lib" and executed the sample again, error disppeard and result
>>>>> is OK!
>>>>> “
>>>>> 2012/02/24 23:35:13 com.sun.enterprise.module.bootstrap.Main
>>>>> findMainModuleName warning: No Main-Bundle module found in manifest of
>>>>> F:\GlassfishV3\samples\hk2\sahoo\hello-world-hk2-sample\lib\hk2-core.jar
>>>>> Hello World - My first HK2 Sample
>>>>> ”
>>>>> So, I wish that if Dear Sahoo has free time, you can confirm whether
>>>>> the in the weblog is wrong or not. In addition, I want to know
>>>>> when packaging hk2-$HK2_VERSION.jar, in the "Class-Path:"why not adding
>>>>> the $HK2_VERSION to the dependency jars?
>>>>> --Thanks
>>>>> --Best Regard
>>>>> --Mike Tang(OSGi Fans)

湯 泳(ユ エイ)
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