Re: Using jsr 330 annotations in GlassFish modules

From: Tim Quinn <>
Date: Wed, 8 Feb 2012 08:42:23 -0600

On Feb 8, 2012, at 8:27 AM, John Wells wrote:

> In the cases I have looked at these classes would have been loaded
> in any case, since they were used either as parameters to methods or
> return types from methods. In other cases, it is possible we may
> want to back off if we find classes where doing this refactoring
> would lead to earlier class loading.
> The largest benefit of this refactoring IMO is to move glassfish
> away from proprietary HK2 API and to the standard JSR-330 based API.

And, in so doing, it would seem that the hk2 code base itself could
shrink because it will no longer has to do what we'll rely on the 330
implementation to do instead.

- Tim

> On 2/8/2012 8:27 AM, Sahoo wrote:
>> On Wednesday 08 February 2012 05:16 PM, John Wells wrote:
>>> On the other hand, if it is the early loading of the class due to
>>> the inclusion of the type in the parameterized type, then you
>>> could be correct in that the class will get loaded earlier than it
>>> was before.
>> That's exactly what was my concern.
>> One thing I wanted to ask though about this exercise. What benefit
>> does all these refactoring bring to the code base?
>> Sahoo