Re: review fix issue 17988 move ejb annotation handlers out of ejb-connector

From: Cheng Fang <>
Date: Thu, 15 Dec 2011 21:56:51 -0500

Hi Sahoo,

I will leave those 3 classes as is (still in ejb-connector module). I
will also verify that ejb-container will not be activated as a result of
loading /these classes/ when deploying a pure web app.


On 12/15/11 8:14 PM, Sahoo wrote:
> Cheng,
> I think this might cause some performance issues depending on how
> deployment loads the EjbInWarArchivist. If deployment always looks for
> this archivist, then a simple web app loading will cause ejb container
> to be loaded leading to regression in performance. So, I suggest you
> leave those classes as-is. It is OK to have a dependency from
> ejb-container to gf-ejb-connector, but not the vice-versa.
> Thanks,
> Sahoo
> On Friday 16 December 2011 05:51 AM, Cheng Fang wrote:
>> Hi Sahoo,
>> Thanks for the comments. These classes (EjbAnnotationTypesProvider,
>> EjbInWarArchivist and EjbInWarScanner) were originally in
>> ejb-container module, and were moved to ejb-connector along with
>> handler classes, because handlers have dependency on
>> EjbAnnotationTypesProvider, EjbInWarArchivist and EjbInWarScanner.
>> So this time I am just moving all of them to where they originally
>> resided. The scope of changes is the same as last move (from
>> ejb-container to ejb-connector). I feel it's easier to move them
>> together.
>> -cheng
>> On 12/15/11 6:23 PM, Sahoo wrote:
>>> Hi Cheng,
>>> The changes look mostly good. I have one small comment. I don't
>>> think we should be moving EjbAnnotationTypesProvider,
>>> EjbInWarArchivist and EjbInWarScanner as part of this task. They
>>> seem unrelated to the current task. It will be good to know why they
>>> are placed in the gf-ejb-connector module and create a separate task
>>> to move them out. I hope you agree with me. I am assuming we can
>>> move the ejb annotation handlers without having to move these three
>>> classes.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Sahoo
>>> On Friday 16 December 2011 04:37 AM, Cheng Fang wrote:
>>>> Please review the fix for issue
>>>>, in trunk only.
>>>> Issue 17988 Move ejb-related annotation handler classes from
>>>> ejb-connector to ejb-container (opposite of r48934) now that
>>>> handlers are dynamically loaded with @AnnotationHandlerFor.
>>>> Move Import-Package: org.glassfish.apf.context entry from
>>>> ejb-connector/osgi.bundle to ejb-container/osgi.bundle for AIX (see
>>>> issue 10545)
>>>> The changes to pom.xml and osgi.bundle files are are the top of
>>>> diff, followed by moved content.
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> -cheng