getting server-config in an instance

From: Bobby Bissett <>
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2011 16:16:04 -0400

Hi all,

 From an instance starting up, I'm trying to get the DAS's host name and
gms port so that the instance can connect to the DAS without multicast.
I can get the host name just fine from the file, but
can't reach the port info for some reason. The server config contains
this sys prop, which I'm trying to read:

<config name="server-config">
<system-property name="GMS_LISTENER_PORT-clus"

In the gms adapter, I'm injecting the domain object, and am trying:

                 Config serverConf = domain.getConfigNamed("server-config");

...but this is always null. If I iterate over the configs in
domain.getConfigs().getConfig(), the only config that shows up is the
cluster one, "clus-config" in this case.

Can an instance not read the das's configuration info?
