Re: -Xlint:deprecated

From: Jane Young <>
Date: Fri, 08 Apr 2011 19:21:57 -0700

> Could we do this:
> <properties>
> <compiler.argument></compiler.argument>
> </properties>
> <compilerArgument>${compiler.argument}</compilerArgument>
> So that I could do:
> mvn -Dcompiler.argument=-Xlint:deprecation
> Even better would be if there's a way to set the property based on the
> presence of another property, so I could do:
> mvn -Ddeprecated
> or
> mvn -Ddeprecated=true
This is possible by creating a Maven mojo (goal) for
maven-glassfishbuild-plugin. But that maybe a bit complex.
I think the simplest way is the former proposal (introducing
compiler.argument property).