Re: admin console in 3.2-snapshot (trunk)

From: Anissa Lam <>
Date: Wed, 02 Mar 2011 11:31:31 -0800

Same here. I checked out a fresh workspace and built from scratch.
No issue starting up console. I also tried enable-secure-admin, works
fine too.


On 3/2/11 11:19 AM, Jason Lee wrote:
> I just logged on to my freshly build server (r45363) and the console
> worked as expected. Are there no other errors in your log?
> On 3/2/11 12:33 PM, Bobby Bissett wrote:
>>>> So, um, what's the admin user name and password?
>>>> IOW, I can't get into the admin console. This is svn rev 45339
>>> It should be the same (admin and blank).
>> Good. Just making before sharing: I see a lot of this in the log when
>> I try to log in
>> [#|2011-03-02T13:10:55.471-0500|INFO|glassfish3.2||_ThreadID=102;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|Unsupported
>> Response Format: 'text/html; charset=iso-8859-1'!|#]
>> [#|2011-03-02T13:10:56.948-0500|WARNING|glassfish3.2|org.apache.catalina.connector.Request|_ThreadID=24;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|PWC4011:
>> Unable to set request character encoding to UTF-8 from context ,
>> because request parameters have already been read, or
>> ServletRequest.getReader() has already been called|#]
>> So maybe the admin gui can't talk with the REST back end and this is
>> the result?
>> Thanks,
>> Bobby