Re: where are the jars

From: Bobby Bissett <>
Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2011 07:34:37 -0400

> I am trying to find jars for the following, but no matter how much I google , I was unable to find anything.
> I have also checked almost all jar included in my glassfish installation but I cannot find them.

How are you checking them? Since there are a couple hundred, it seems tedious to 'jar tvf / grep' each one. I wrote a small tool years ago to handle this. You can get a copy here (now that Jon reminded me to upload it to the new site):

You can start it, point to a directory like glassfish3/glassfish, then turn on 'Recursive Search' to be able to search all the jars from there down. Just enter a class name, not the fully qualified name. I have very little documentation in there, but if you use all lower case names in your search term it will do a case-insesitive search.

The tool isn't completed yet (it doesn't even search in a separate thread), but it gets the job done.
