First off - great job everyone for stepping up to resolve the last minute
issues quickly and with professionalism.
Based on the progress we have made in resolving the remaining
issues we feel fairly confident that we will be ready to generate
release candidate 3 this weekend.
We have established Sunday Feb 13th at 11:59 PM PST as the
integration cutoff for final approved changes into this release. Jane
will kick off the build precisely one second after midnight.
Beginning COB tomorrow (Friday) we will only consider new issues
filed as blockers (e.g. priority 1) for this release. All non-blocker
issues will be addressed in the trunk for the follow-on release.
New blocker/P1 issues still must go through the Change Request
process for approval into this release. As we finish up the
development of the release I ask anyone who is assigned a
blocker/P1 to quickly evaluate the issue and start a dialog with
Nazrul and myself concerning its disposition.