Re: Review Request: GF 3.1 OSE In-Session Memory Replication features

From: <Mahesh.Kannan_at_Oracle.Com>
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2011 14:18:18 -0800

I have reviewed the sections and posted my comments.

Scott: Which document talks about deploying apps with
--asyncreplication=true and which doc talks about --keepstate


On 02/04/2011 05:24 PM, Scott Fordin wrote:
> Review drafts of the documentation sections related to the In-Session
> Memory Replication features in GlassFish Server OSE 3.1 are now
> available on the review wiki at:
> Please provide your review comments by Thursday, February 10th at the
> latest. The list of mandatory reviewers is provided on the review wiki.
> Thanks very much,
> Scott