GlassFish 3.1 Bug Swat Meeting

From: Chris Kasso <>
Date: Tue, 01 Feb 2011 16:26:19 -0800


We will be having the weekly Bug Swat dance tomorrow. We will be reviewing
the P1-3 issues on this query:

Here are the meeting details:

Wednesday 9AM PST
Access code: 563 2312
Security code: 1111

We are currently targeting COB Thursday Feb 3rd for RC2.

If you have issues in the above query I will need email status or plan
to attend the meeting and provide a live update. Some of these issues
are clearly stoppers and it is important that we understand the current
timeline for a fix.

Some of the other issues are potential stoppers so it is key for us
to understand the impact of the bug and whether deferring it a
this point is the best choice.
