Glassfish and OpenMQ

From: <>
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2011 10:13:28 +0000 (GMT)


I´m interested to understand how Glassfish and OpenMQ works together
since we started to experience a odd situation:
We have a persistent queue which receives quite a lot of messages per
After a while we had 350.000 messages in the queue (Almost 60MB). At
this point, we did a simple undeploy and deploy of our .ear application
(without any source code change).

The result of this operation was catastrophic: a Java heap space during
deploy and worst of all - The queue was cleaned!
This is our top requirement, never lose a single message. In this case
we lost million application messages since each jms message contains a
batch from our application.

I cannot understand such situation since we use persistent messages.
It's looks like Glassfish loads all message into a HashMap but I´m not
sure (I´m guessing by java heap error)...

The question is why Glassfish and Open MQ would touch data from a
persistent queue during application load? And why delete all messages
without any reasonable reason?

Other details:
Glassfish v2.1.1
Queue FlowLimit = 1
