Re: start-domain fails to finish for 600 seconds

From: Ludovic Champenois <>
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2011 07:32:07 -0800

On 2/18/11 7:17 AM, Richard S. Hall wrote:
> On 2/18/11 9:52, Tom Mueller wrote:
>> Vince,
>> I appears that the Felix is not properly detecting that the directory
>> moved.
>> It looks like it is seeing the "new" modules at the new directory
>> name, but every new module looks like a duplicate of the old module
>> at the old directory name. Felix is not realizing that the old
>> modules are now gone.
> Felix is not involved in such issues, it is the framework launcher
> that tries to re-deploy bundles, so it would be the one that would
> need to detect it.
> -> richard
Yep...Bad experience anyway...When I detect this case in Eclipse
(upgrade of the GF runtime plugin for example), I clean the osgi-cache

I think the fix should be extensive:

1/ make sure a domain cannot be accessed at the same time with 2 server
installations (not done currently, and I am pretty sure ramdom things
would happen on the saved domain.xml used by 2 servers):
- put a lock file (like most products that access possible not sharable
resources (i.e eclipse, openoffice...)
- put in the domain somewhere the location of the server that last used
the domain.
- at start up, if the used server location is not the same as the
current server location, flush the osgi-cache area.

Only trouble would be stalled lock file (i.e after a crash or a ctrl -c
that did not shutdown correctly the server... We would need to ask a
question to the user? Continue and unlock? Stop?
