GlassFish 3.1 Bug Swat Meeting

From: Chris Kasso <>
Date: Tue, 04 Jan 2011 16:38:32 -0800


We will be having a Bug Swat meeting tomorrow. We will be reviewing the
P1-3 issues on this query:

Here are the meeting details:

Wednesday 9AM PST
Access code: 563 2312
Security code: 1111

If you have provided me status in the last couple of days you do not need
to attend (e.g. Admin i-team, Nazrul's staff meeting).

If you have not provided status on your issue recently you have a few

* Attend the BugSwat meeting to provide status on the issue(s) you own.

-- or --

* Prior to the BugSwat meeting send email to Chris with status on the
  issue(s) you own.

-- or --

* Clear the issue from the release by closing it, reducing the priority,
  excluding it, etc.

What kind of status am I looking for?

        - When will the issue be scrubbed?
        - When will you submit a change request (if that is appropriate)
        - Is there anything blocking this issue from being fixed?
        - Is there anything waiting on this issue to be fixed?
