Re: 3.1 branch is open for integrations

From: Sathyan Catari <>
Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2011 08:58:49 -0800

  For now both branch and trunk are targeted for 3.1 checkins. If you
have anything
to check-in for 3.1, please check it in branch(pending approval) and
also to the
trunk(pending approval). As Chris's email states, refrain from checking
in anything
related to 3.2 in trunk till you hear from him.


Excerpt from his original email

Please refrain from any non-3.1 related check-ins to the trunk until
further notice. We hope to have the trunk open for non-3.1 related work
in the next couple of days."

On 1/28/11 8:45 AM, Jason Lee wrote:
> I'm confused a bit, I think. Is the branch for 3.1 final and the
> trunk open for 3.2-related work?
> On 1/28/11 9:46 AM, Tom Mueller wrote:
>> Can we have the process be to always implement everything in the
>> trunk first, and then backport to the 3.1 branch if necessary?
>> Tom
>> On 1/28/2011 3:59 AM, Sahoo wrote:
>>> On Friday 28 January 2011 06:31 AM, Chris Kasso wrote:
>>>> Please integrate all 3.1 changes into the new 3.1 branch*and*
>>>> the existing trunk.
>>> Is there a process in place for ensuring that all check-ins to
>>> 3.1-branch are eventually forward ported to trunk?
> --
> Jason Lee
> Senior Member of Technical Staff
> GlassFish REST API / Administration Console
> Oracle Corporation
> Phone +1 405-216-3193
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