Re: Writing good commit comments

From: Bill Shannon <>
Date: Sun, 16 Jan 2011 00:07:34 -0800

Richard S. Hall wrote on 01/15/2011 12:38 PM:
> On 01/14/2011 08:01 PM, Bill Shannon wrote:
>> Richard S. Hall wrote on 01/12/11 10:54 AM:
>>> On 1/12/11 13:51, Chris Kasso wrote:
>>>> Folks,
>>>> A quick note that we need to do a better job writing commit comments.
>>>> Commit comments are used in many ways by many people including by other
>>>> developers who are trying to track down the source of a new bug.
>>>> While including the issue number is useful for historical purposes that
>>>> level of indirection is not helpful when we run:
>>>> svn log -r NNNNN:MMMMM
>>>> and try to scan for a particular change or see the commit via
>>>> In your commit comments please include:
>>>> * What you fixed, added or removed (make it clear why the change was made)
>>>> * The bug/issue number
>>> Additionally, JIRA has the ability (or at least JIRA at Apache) to capture the
>>> svn commit messages and associate them with the JIRA issue if you mention the
>>> issue number, which is really nice. See this issue for an example:
>>> Click on the "Subversion Commits" link above the comments to see the associated
>>> commits for this issue. This is one of my favorite features.
>> Is that feature enabled for us? How do I use it?
> It doesn't appear to be enabled for us. At Apache, to use it you just need to
> mention the issue number in your commit message (e.g., GLASSFISH-XXXXX).

Who do we need to talk to to get that enabled for us?