Re: Happy New Copyright Year!

From: Jane Young <>
Date: Tue, 04 Jan 2011 06:50:47 -0800

Yes, it checks the date.
See recent Hudson job (link is internal):

E-mails will be sent out to module owners to remind them to update the
copyright date.

On 1/3/11 3:06 PM, Bill Shannon wrote:
> I assume so. Jane?
> Justin Lee wrote on 01/ 3/11 01:39 PM:
>> Are the copyright checking hudson jobs still running to catch us if
>> we forget?
>> On 1/3/11 4:12 PM, Bill Shannon wrote:
>>> Yes, it's a new year, and that means when you update a file for the
>>> first
>>> time this year, you should also update the copyright year for the file.
>>> Often that means changing "1997-2010" to "1997-2011".
>>> No, no one is going to do that for you. *You* need to do it. But only
>>> for the files that you're otherwise changing. No bulk updates just to
>>> change the copyright year.
>>> Thanks.