Administering Runtime Security Chapter of Glassfish Security Guide Ready for Review

From: Kevin McDonough <>
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2011 14:52:57 -0500


The Administering Runtime Security chapter of the /Glassfish 3.1
Security Guide/ is ready for review.
This chapter describes how to administer runtime security by using the
new secure administration

The review is available on the Glassfish Wikis, here:

At this time, the PDF review file contains only the Administering
Runtime Security chapter. I'll be adding additional chapters for review
in the near future.

The reviewers who must review the chapter are listed on the review
page. (Note: I based the review list on the Security Docplan review
list. If you are listed on the review page and do not need to be there,
please let me know!)

Please provide feedback by leaving a comment on the documentation review
page by next Tuesday, Jan 11th.

