Glassfish OSGI bundle

From: Lee Chuk Munn <>
Date: Thu, 09 Dec 2010 06:31:30 -0200


I'm writing a container for GF. I need to create some OSGi bundle for
JARs that my container uses. Can you help me with a few questions?

1. What is the best way to bundle these JARs? Are there any tools that
you use in GF to bundle these? I'm currently using bnd.

2. I looked into one of the manifest files of one of the bundle
grizzly-container.jar and found some properties like HK2-Import-Bundles,
HK2-Class-Path-Id, HK2-Bundle-Name keys. Are these similar to the OSGi

3. Where do I drop the bundles after I have created them? In
glassfish/modules directory? Is there a felix command to see if my
bundle have been 'deposited' correctly?

Appreciate you help as I'm fairly new to OSGi.


C++ : Where friends have access to your private members.
	-- Gavin Russell Baker