Re: params for getInhabitantByContract()? (issue 15195)

From: Jerome Dochez <>
Date: Fri, 17 Dec 2010 11:43:43 -0800

where is the GMSConfigUpgrade class located ?

On Dec 17, 2010, at 11:40 AM, Bobby Bissett wrote:

>> I don't think you should do it this way...
>> 1. first, if you deal with a distribution where gms is not present, this will fail
> Why? There are no gms dependencies in this class (attached). It's only for working on the config-api objects.
>> 2. you start importing implementation types which makes your imports/exports more complicated.
> I didn't need to change anything like that. My full diff is moving the file and then injecting GMSConfigUpgrade into 2 classes. No changes to anything else.
>> why not doing :
>> @Service(name="gms")
>> public class GMSConfigUpgrade implements ConfigurationUpgrade, PostConstruct {...}
>> and in your upgrade service, just do
>>> + @Inject(name="gms", optional=true)
>>> + ConfigurationUpgrade notUsed=null;
>> that way you still only depends on ConfigurationUpgrade type and it does not fail if gms is not present.
> It wouldn't fail anyway, but I'm happy to keep the class where it is and do what you suggest. Note, though, that if I do what you suggest, and gms isn't present, and domain.xml contains anything gms-related anyway, upgrade will just fail. I think that's expected (we don't have clusters without gms), but wanted to mention it.
> Thanks,
> Bobby
> <>