Re: ACC distribution?

From: Sahoo <>
Date: Sat, 11 Dec 2010 10:01:58 +0530

I think we had some discussion about it some time ago and we had
identified one of the web naming class bringing in a lot of web
container code to client side. If you have a task identified, you can
send me the task id. Now, let me see how I can build a distro with what
we have.

On Saturday 11 December 2010 03:37 AM, Tim Quinn wrote:
> Yes, the list is long indeed.
> There has been long-time interest in designing modules to have a
> client part and a server part (or perhaps a client part, a server
> part, and a shared part), but this has been lower-priority than other
> tasks before us. As a result there is a lot of server-side baggage
> that comes along for the ride to the client but is not needed or used.
> Perhaps someday...
> - Tim
> On Dec 10, 2010, at 3:43 PM, Sahoo wrote:
>> Some quick processing of the data collected so far based on your
>> input tells me I need all these bundles on top of nucleus distro to
>> make an ACC-only distro:
>> woodstox-osgi.jar jtype.jar tools.jar glassfish-corba-asm.jar
>> glassfish-corba-codegen.jar glassfish-corba-csiv2-idl.jar
>> glassfish-corba-internal-api.jar glassfish-corba-newtimer.jar
>> glassfish-corba-omgapi.jar glassfish-corba-orb.jar
>> glassfish-corba-orbgeneric.jar grizzly-comet.jar
>> grizzly-http-servlet.jar jaxb-osgi.jar activation.jar el-api.jar
>> mail.jar jaxrpc-api-osgi.jar endorsed junit.jar javax.persistence.jar
>> org.eclipse.persistence.antlr.jar org.eclipse.persistence.asm.jar
>> org.eclipse.persistence.core.jar org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.jar
>> org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.modelgen.jar
>> endorsed javax.ejb.jar
>> javax.enterprise.deploy.jar javax.jms.jar
>> javax.resource.jar
>> javax.servlet.jar javax.servlet.jsp.jar
>> javax.transaction.jar admin-core.jar monitoring-core.jar
>> acc-config.jar gf-client-module.jar gms-bootstrap.jar amx-core.jar
>> amx-j2ee.jar annotation-framework.jar container-common.jar
>> glassfish-ee-api.jar glassfish-naming.jar stats77.jar
>> connectors-inbound-runtime.jar connectors-internal-api.jar
>> connectors-runtime.jar work-management.jar deployment-javaee-core.jar
>> dol.jar ejb-container.jar ejb-internal-api.jar ldapbp-repackaged.jar
>> libpam4j-repackaged.jar ha-api.jar jms-core.jar endorsed
>> webservices-extra-jdk-packages.jar webservices-osgi.jar
>> orb-connector.jar orb-iiop.jar eclipselink-wrapper.pom
>> jpa-connector.jar persistence-common.jar cmp-internal-api.jar
>> security.jar ssl-impl.jar
>> websecurity.jar jta.jar jts.jar
>> transaction-internal-api.jar el-impl.jar jsp-impl.jar war-util.jar
>> web-cli.jar web-core.jar web-embed-api.jar web-glue.jar
>> web-gui-plugin-common.jar web-naming.jar jsr109-impl.jar mimepull.jar
>> tiger-types.jar shoal-gms-api.jar
>> This is a really long list. But, that's a separate issue altogether.
>> Thanks for the info so far.
>> Sahoo
>> On Saturday 11 December 2010 02:40 AM, Tim Quinn wrote:
>>> The appclient/client/acc-standalone module has all the information
>>> you need.
>>> The pom.xml shows the explicit dependencies.
>>> There are other JARs and files that need to be available to clients
>>> on which the ACC itself does not depend. These are added somewhat
>>> awkwardly by the additional work done in fixup.xml at the top level
>>> of the module.
>>> - Tim
>>> On Dec 10, 2010, at 3:07 PM, Sahoo wrote:
>>>> Tim,
>>>> What all modules/bundles do I need in addition to what's there in
>>>> nucleus distro to make an ACC distribution?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Sahoo