urgent: svn help

From: Bobby Bissett <>
Date: Thu, 1 Jul 2010 11:48:54 -0400

Hi all,

As part of my last commit, I moved a class in cluster/gms-bootstrap
from GmsAdapterService to GMSAdapterService. This would make it
consistent with the other files and make gms client code consistent
since it would be injecting an instance of GMSAdapterService in order
to obtain an instance of GMSAdapter.

This all works fine for me, and I assume it would work in a fresh
workspace (but I can't check one out currently).

But in my backup workspace the update fails:

svn: Failed to add file 'cluster/gms-bootstrap/src/main/java/org/
glassfish/gms/bootstrap/': an unversioned file
of the same name already exists

Can someone tell me how to fix this? I could try doing a svn move to
something completely different to avoid the clash, but I don't want to
just blindly make commits and have things get worse instead of better.
It'd be nice if subversion hadn't let me get in this position in the
first place, but now I've learned my lesson ("don't attempt to
understand subversion").


p.s. Continuous build hudson jobs are stuck waiting for a machine to
run the jobs. I'm trying to checkout but am getting a whole new
nightmare of subversion errors (my record: 54 updates required to
check out v3).