POM Change Review

From: Jason Lee <>
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 2010 12:33:48 -0500

  Attached are some changes I'd like to make to the root v3 POM as well
as the REST POM. This adds two dependencies to REST (and manages the
version in the root POM) that allow for the use of the Jersey client in
testing (and possible exposure to third party clients. See below) as
well as JSON and XML handling utility methods in the test and client code.

Ultimately, I think I'd like to expose some client-callable utility
methods for the preparing for and making of requests, and parsing
responses available to clients of the REST interface. Currently, I have
code that I maintain in both the REST tests and the Admin Console that
do basically the same things. I'd like to merge this code as much as
possible to reduce the level of effort on my part in maintaining the
code as well lower the entry barrier for newer clients, whether that is
achieved (if at all) through judicious OSGi exports from the current
(and only) REST module or some possible future new REST client module.
I can go either way on that, but that's a topic for discussion
elsewhere. I only mention it here to help explain the POM changes. :)

With regard to the jersey-json dependency, I'm actually interested in
one its dependencies, org.codehaus.jettison:jettison:1.1. My first
thought was to depend on that directly, but if Jersey were to upgrade
its dependency (Jettison 1.2 has been out for some time now), we'd have
to remember to update this as well, or risk having two version deployed
on the server. By depending on jersey-json, though, more dependencies
then needed are implied, though in this case, they're already deployed
as part of the distribution, so I don't think that will pose a problem,
but I mention that here, again, to give better insight into the
rationale behind the changes.

With that said, I'll now close what is likely the longest POM change
request in history. :)


Jason Lee
Senior Member of Technical Staff
GlassFish Administration Console
Oracle Corporation
Phone +1 405-216-3193