This seems like a bug

From: Vince Kraemer <>
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 2010 16:14:30 -0700

I have promoted build 2 of GlassFish Server 3.1 running.

It is 'just a DAS'... there are no instances, clusters, etc...

I do this...

WebApplication46:1 <web>

Command list-applications executed successfully.
/export/home/vkraemer/GlassFish_Server_3.1/glassfish/bin/asadmin disable
--target foobar WebApplication46:1

Command disable executed successfully.

I would have expected the disable command to say that it failed... I
would really like to have the command fail and provide a list of VALID
values that I could use with the --target option.

Oh... WebApplication46:1 was still active, too... so there was a whole
lot of fail down this path at the moment.