Reloading a module without restarting the domain?

From: Chris Kasso <>
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2010 17:21:24 -0700

Is it possible?

I drop a module into the modules directory, start up the domain
and get the module to the Active state. I then drop in a new
build of the module into the modules directory replacing the old copy.
How do I get GF/Felix to reload the module without restarting the domain?

I tried telnet'ing to the Felix remote shell console and used
various commands (refresh <module id>, update <module id>,
uninstall <module id>) but known appeared to cause the new version
of the module to be loaded. It continued to use the old
module (even though it had been replaced in modules directory).

The only way I could get the replacement module loaded was
to restart the domain.
