On 6/25/10 1:08 AM, Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine wrote:
> Serli [1] has been contributing the application versioning [2] that was first integrated and demonstrated in Milestone 1 last month.
> Please welcome Hervé Souchaud and Romain Grecourt (both CC'd) as new committers on the project and let me also thank
> Hong for her support in getting them both up to speed with the deployment infrastructure and overall development process.
> cheers,
> -Alexis
Great community addition to the engineering skills around GlassFish.
And from France, even better:-)
Congrats Herve and Romain, (and sorry for the french accents in emails)
> [1]: http://blogs.sun.com/alexismp/entry/glassfish_still_open_to_participation
> http://blogs.sun.com/glassfishpodcast/entry/episode_066_interview_with_the
> [2]: http://wiki.glassfish.java.net/Wiki.jsp?page=ApplicationVersioning
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