Monitoring and the REST api

From: Vince Kraemer <>
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2010 09:47:41 -0700

Hi all,

I am trying to get the data associated with the web-service-mon mbean
via the REST html interface

And I have run into a couple problems.

The first is that the bean doesn't exist until AMX is booted...

So, the following use-case is kind of broken.

First, download and install 3.1.

Then, start domain1.

Then, fire the browser at http://localhost:4848/monitoring/domain.
   read the message

Module monitoring levels may be OFF. To set module monitoring levels
please visit following url:

Follow the advice and set some of the monitoring levels to LOW and save them

Then, fire the browser at http://localhost:4848/monitoring/domain.
   and read the helpful message again...

So, now the user is at a dead-end.

If I go into jconsole, none of the monitoring beans are available...
because AMX is not getting booted.

Unfortunately, if I use jconsole to boot amx, the beans appear... but
the REST html pages do not seem to provide access to them.

So, now I am kind of stuck. I need to get access to this bean to
support some of the features associated with

Is there a problem with the HTML view?
